Chapter One

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Walking hand in hand with Jimmy down the street was like a dream come true. Jimmy and I have been friends since we were in diapers and I’ve had a crush on him for as long as I could remember. But, recently, I think that my crush on Jimmy has been blossoming into something even more. He suddenly stopped walking and brushed a strand on my dark brown hair out of my face. My breath hitched in my throat when his finger came in contact with my soft skin.

“Jimmy,” I began. “I need to tell you something.”

A concerned frown formed on Jimmy’s face. “You can always talk to me, Lacy. I thought that you knew that.”

“Jimmy, I’m in love with you.”

Suddenly, the street around us disappeared and everything around us was black. Jimmy pulled his hand away from me like my face burnt him. His normally smiling face turned into a sinister expression and his green eyes turned cold.

“Lacy, you don’t mean that,” he spat. “You can’t. I’m with Hannah.”

I could feel the tears building in my eyes as I begged him to give me a chance.

His normally smiling face turned into an evil sneer as he asked, “Why would I love you when I have Hannah?”

With those cruel words the dam broke and my tears flooded out of my grey eyes like torrential rain from storm clouds. Suddenly, Jimmy disappeared and was replaced with my best friend Hannah. Her long black hair was floating around her as tears fell down her face.

“How could you, Lacy,” she cried. “I thought we were like sisters and now you’re trying to steal my boyfriend!?”

“Hannah, let me explain” I pleaded.

Hannah’s face soon turned furious and her cheeks turned red with rage. “You betrayed me! And you will pay.”

My eyes widened in complete fear as a huge group of girls from our school appeared behind Hannah. They were all staring at me with the same pure hate and disgust that Hannah and Jimmy’s eyes held. I screamed for help as I got up and ran as fast as I could. As I looked back over my shoulder I noticed them all getting closer so I pushed my short legs to run faster. As I turned back again. I tripped and felt myself flying through the air.


I awoke with a start once my body came in contact with my hard bedroom floor. I groan in pain and roll onto my back. This is just a freaking fantastic way to start the school year. It’s not even 7 A.M and I already hurt myself.

“Lacy,” my mom, Stephanie Walters, yells. “Are you okay?”

With a roll of my eyes I reply, “Yeah mom, I’m fine. You don’t have to worry so much.”

“Well it’s a motherly instinct to worry about your child if it sounded like an elephant jumped on them,” she responds with sarcasm dripping from her words.

“And she says I’m a drama queen,” I mumble.

I turn my head towards the alarm clock on my nightstand and sigh once I see the time. Senior year, here I come. I reluctantly push myself off the floor and I walk into the hallway to the bathroom at the end of the hall.

Forty-five minutes later I was running down the stairs and ready to start senior year. Walking into my kitchen, I notice my mom in her work clothes which consisted of a silk white blouse tucked into a pencil skirt and a pair of black heels. Her brown hair was tied up into an elegant bun with not one strand of hair out of place.

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