
228 9 41

Sum flangst for y'all

Word count: 3.1k


Todoroki skidded backwards, hitting a tree as he was blown away from the battle by the villains quirk, Midoriya saw as he flew across the park and rushed over to see if he was okay.

Todorokis vision was blurry as he opened his eyes slowly to see his extraordinarily worried boyfriend hovering over his slumped body.

"Shoto?? Shoto are you okay? Please wake up.. oh thank God you're okay"

Midoriya's face, stricken with fear was mere inches apart from Todoroki's, he could easily lean forward and- no, your in the middle of a fight you can't be thinking about these things.

"Uh yes, yes I'm fine it's okay Izuku please don't freak out" todoroki sat up and looked past Midoriya at the battle currently destroying a local park right near UA, it seemed villains were tracking UA's every move, like they knew exactly where everyone would be at any given time.
Class 1a had been ambushed, caught on surprise during a routine 'leisurely evening walk' as instructed by President Mic to 'relax and let off steam' which had quickly turned into a full fledged battle.

The class seemed to be doing pretty badly, even with the pro Heroes help it seemed all of the villains in Japan had gotten together as an attempt to undermine the hero course for the millionth time.

Usually there wouldn't be substantial amounts of danger and the pro Heroes would take care of the situation quickly, but today was different, the were more villains than all students and teachers combined, meaning they were more than out matched.

This isn't going to end well.

"Shoto we should get back, they need our help" Midoriya held out a hand which todoroki took gladly, making extra effort to pull himself up close to midoriya, in a short of half hug and not let go of his hand until they absolutely had to hurry back to the fight.

Almost immediately, debris from something came flying towards the two, todoroki quickly put up a wall of ice to block it, as they rushed towards the source, turning out to be Bakugo blowing up the ground beneath a number of villains, todoroki swiftly trapped them all in ice, incapacitating them and preventing their movement.

"OI HALF AND HALF I HAD THEM" Bakugo screamed angrily, small explosions going off in his hands which were now scrunching into fists as he growled at todoroki.

"There's no time to squabble, focus on fighting the enemy, not your allies" aizawa yelled as he restrained multiple villains with ease, this made Bakugo shut up and continue taking out his anger on the enemy.

Midoriya and Todoroki were an amazing team, with Midoriya distracting the villains just enough for todoroki to freeze or knock them out, they worked efficiently and quickly.

Aizawa was impressed, to say the least, he had noticed they'd been around each other quite a lot lately, perhaps they were much closer friends than he'd originally thought.

Of course no one knew of todoroki and Midoriyas relationship as of yet.

Aizawa had instructed them and a couple other students to stay back with the teachers whilst the rest evacuated to ua.

They continued this tiring charade until there were only a handful of villains left, especially powerful ones at that, they'd have to think about this carefully.
Todoroki and Midoriyas breaths were uneven, this battle had played for far too long and morale was low.

Villains and Heroes alike were going down quickly, the battle had escalated to suck an extent of the agencies sending multiple high ranking Heroes to help out.

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