Chapter Four: Duloc

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Soon after the group long walking into Duloc, they have finally arrived at Duloc before Rosa announced "We're here!"

Kai looks up at the castle and scoffed "So that's Ares castle..I've admit it, he has an nice castle and do you think he's compensating on something?" He joked as he began to chuckled but the rest of the group looks at him with an deadpanned looks

They began to walking into the entrance but ""noticed an man wearing an huge head who's an attendant, Erza started to walking up towards him and said "Excuse me, Sir do you know where's..."

But the attendant got scared for some reason and started to run away to only to hit the wall and falling down unconscious

The group looks each-other and shrugged before they walked pass the attendant and entered the village

"Guys, it's quiet...too quiet actually, where's everyone else?" Kai said while scratching his head with confusion

But soon they heard music from the area and checked it out what's is it

"Brave knights of Duloc!" An man with an blood red hair and red eyes wearing some kind of Roman armor also has an red cape, his name is Ares "All of you are here to have an battle but only one will be named champion, the champion will go forth and recused the beautiful Princess Hisui from the dangerous and might Hydra but If the champion died the other of the running up will go next and so on and so fourth...some of you will die but it's an sacrifice I'll willing to make, let's the tournament began!"

Everyone cheered but soon stopped and gasped as they saw the group of mages

"Ugh, what is's hideous!" He comments as he stepped away from mages

"Well that's not very's just an cat." He pointed at Happy and the exceed looks at him with an confused looks

"Indeed...knights new plan, the one who's killed the mages will be named Champion, Have at them!" Ares ordered as the knights slowly stalking them while the mages began to backing away from them

"Whoa, that's not manly at all." Elfman said while protecting his sister who's right beside him

Kai was thinking of something but bumped into an barrel and got an idea, he grabs an cup and looks at them with an kind smiles "Should we just settle this with an drink?" The other mages looks at him before noticing what's he just planning

The knights kept walking up towards him, Kai smirked as he looks at them "Really, Oh well.." he drink the beer and raised the cup up into the air before he shouted "Well, Come on!" He broke the barrel and some of the brown liquid came out from the barrel, the group began to spilt to fight off the knights

Natsu looks at the knights who's surrounded him before he grinned and used his magic, he shouted "Fire Dragon Roar!" He breathed out an huge wave of fire around the knights as they screamed in pain

Lucy was next as she bring out an key before shouted "Open! Gate of the the Maiden, Virgo!" Soon the knights covered their eyes as an light came out before they uncovered their eyes and looks in shock what's they just saw

It's an short hair woman who's wearing an dress of an maid, her name is Virgo the Maid Celestial Spirit and she looks at Lucy before speaking "Is it punishment time alrighty, Princess?"

The knights just looking at the Maiden with an disbelief looks

"What?! No I just summon you to take down those knights over there." Lucy point at the knights

Virgo looks at the knights before looking at her owner before nodded "Understood."

She began to dig underneath the ground before coming out from the ground and attack the knights with her chain before knocking them off

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