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NOTE: jeno's case is serious here. dont take it lightly just bc it's a fanfic. it happens irl so pls...

it was awkward. it's been... seven years? yeah, more or less. renjun found it awkward to see his childhood friends and sit with then inside the zhongs' fancy house.

renjun never wanted to go back to korea. maybe a year or two after he came back to china, he wished he never left his friends. but after that, it all faded. everything went fine for him and he almost forgot how much he cried on the airplane when he was twelve years old.

really, that was embarrassing. now that renjun graduated high school and is now meeting with his childhood friends, all the memories came back to him like a surge of wave and he couldn't help but to laugh.

kids will be kids, and the nineteen years old renjun couldn't believe he was that sentimental back then. disgusting, he thought.

he's sitting beside donghyuck, chenle and jisung across them. his heart was pounding erratically against his chest, nervous on how he should react.

after graduating high school, renjun's parents suddenly announced that they'll be heading back to korea for their business, and renjun must continue his studies there too. he tried to protest, complained how hard it would be to adjust again, but his parents made their minds up.

two weeks after staying at korea and spending his summer on his room, missing his friends in china, he got a follow request from chenle, which he never talked to online since he left.

and that brings him there. chenle notified him about a small reunion between them, the seven kids who used to eat lunch together and go home together.

he contemplated whether to go or not. after all, he left without any words or any proper goodbyes. plus, the six might be still close to each other, and he can feel out of place because he's been missing for seven years.

yet at the end, he chose to go. he somehow, somehow missed them.

"we really thought your family just went on a vacation during the summer, that's why you aren't meeting us at the park. then poof, even when school started, you were missing," jisung huffed, remembering how the six kids kept visiting renjun's house to check on him during summer break.

renjun cannot be wrong, jisung is their youngest friend but why the hell is he built like a tower now? but he still has the same eyes, and the same squishy cheeks.

he already explained what happened while they wait for the other three to arrive. they said it was fine, because it's something that happened unexpectedly, but it would've been better if they're still aware that they won't see their best friend until now.

"i'm really sorry," the chinese almost whispered. it was still unfamiliar to him. time changed everything and that includes how comfortable he used to be with them.

hating the drama, donghyuck butted in, "that's totally fine. what matters is that you're here! i heard you're staying here now? where are you planning to enrol to?"

on their middle school and high school lives, the six kids who were left in korea became more inseparable. they entered the school and kept their promises that they'll stay together.

but of course, they'll never forget how they used to play with renjun. renjun was like... the person that keeps them balance.

jaemin loves showing affection to him. out of all his friends, renjun was the closest and the most comfortable to jaemin.

donghyuck is in a love-hate relationship with him. they were seatmates who always fight over the smallest things.

he is jisung's favorote hyungie because he always took his side. of course, renjun would. jisung is too cute for renjun decline him.

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