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Dear Diary,

I'm so BORED!!!

Yes, I did write a note on how bored I am.

Jeez, I have nothing to do. I'm literally sitting on my couch, writing this, and listening to music.

Well, while I'm here, I should just tell you what happened earlier today...at 7am...

I was getting ready, and it was 6:56. I have to leave for the bus at 7:04, so I had a few minutes.

Mom comes out, and says "you need to find another jacket to wear under that one." Then goes back to sleep.

The thing is, I only have 1 other jacket, and it was dirty cause my little sister blew her nose on it😖

But, I searched for one anyway, for the sake of me not to get yelled at.

After a while, I still didn't find a jacket, and I was irritated. I checked the time, and it was 7:30.

My school starts at 7:30, so I was automatically late. I quickly went and woke my mom up, earning a grumpy-mommy.

I told her I missed the bus, and I got yelled at.

My thoughts were: how could it be my fault? Your the one who told me to find a jacket!

But I didn't say that, instead I asked if she could drive me, like, right then.

But that just earned me a smack in the head.

"It's your fault you missed the bus, so you have to wait until I drop off your sister."

She drops off my little sister at 8, so u knew I was screwed.

So, I waited until 8, and then my mom told me to start the car.

I thought I did, but apparently I didn't.

5min later, mom came and yelled at me for not starting the car.

So, u had to wait ANOTHER half hour.

By the time we got in the car, it was 8:40.

Again, it was "my fault".

So, we dropped my little sister off, then went to go up the hill to my school.

But, we couldn't make it up the hill, so I thought I was gonna stay home. But, nope, luckily mom went a different way and got me there... At 8:53.

Gee, thanks.

So, that how my morning went, how bout yours?

OH. And on top of it, I had to walk into the choir room, which has around 80 people in it.

Ugh, I'm never missing the bus again.

Well, I'm going to go write a new fanfic,

Trinity out!

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