Are you listening to me?

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Chapter one- "Are you listening to me?" 

"I don't want or need a Guardian!" I exclaimed, much to Lisa's annoyance.

"Oh, for heavens sake Adrian! If your going to be leaving court on a whim, like you usually do, we need to make sure you have a half decent Guardian"

Here we go.... again. Lissa, Christian, my mother and the wanna be ninja heartbreaker have decided I need a more permanent babysitter. So what if I drink, smoke and entertain beautiful women more than the average Mori? It's all her fault anyway. 

"Are you listening to me?"  Lissa sighed whilst tapping her left foot in annoyance.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it" I started to mumble, "I need a babysitter." I then subconsciously reached for my second packet of cigarettes of the day.

"Look, Adrian, I know you feel like we're treating you like an idiot. But we just care about you" Lissa then looked down at her shoes "especially Rose" She looked slightly pained when she said Rose's name, but I feel the pain every time I think about her.

"I know!" I exclaimed. "Just get the damn Guardian, if it will make you feel better." I mumbled with the butt end of the cigarette in my mouth preparing to light it.

Lissa grinned with excitement before I added: "But she's got to have blonde hair, and legs up to her underarms"

She let out a queenly giggle, and at this Christian cheerfully spoke from the ornate chair in the corner. "Well, the graduates from a school in England have just arrived at court, so you may be in luck" he added with a sly wink. Which in turn managed to earn him a death stare from Lissa.

"I was thinking about reassigning Eddie to you actually" Lissa smiled when she mentioned Eddie " He's turning out to be a fantastic guardian, real royal guardian material"

"There's no need for me to have Eddie, he is more valuable in your little collection of St. Vlad's Guardians". I returned the sly wink to Christian. "I'll have one of the British babes, the accent is super sexy on blondes" 

"If you're that interested in them, Mikhail is putting them through their paces in the morning. It's to see who is fit to be assigned to whom." Lissa then started to offer me a lopsided grin "And what they need further training on, the school is more renowned than Vladimir's, but Mikhail doesn't trust their training"

"Now that sounds in-ter-est-ing, tell me more" I grinned as I thought of guardians kicking the hell out of each other.

"Don't worry about it, just be at the gym at 10, Ok?" She kissed my cheek, and then grabbed Christian's hand. "It's just because we care"

"Yeah, yeah. Gym. 10am. Be there, or be square. I get it" I smiled to myself at the use of the 'retro' saying.


Authors note: Thank you so much for reading the first chapter, and I hope you enjoy what is to come! Please, Vote, Comment, and e-mail me any ideas! Much love, Willow44 xx

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