Unintentional Kidnapping

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The morning air ran across Tubbo's face as he stared at the bustling kingdom below him. He sat perched at the highest point in Manberg, a clearing he found on an "adventure" with his bees one late evening. He stood at the cliff side, breathing in freedom for the few minutes he could be alone. His usual accompaniment consisted of Manberg's only ally, King Eret, Bad B. Halo, and his personal friend, a mercenary that lived on the outskirts of Manberg land, Sir Skeppy. This day in particular had been different from the others, instead of waiting for Bad to turn a blind eye to his departure, Tubbo had simply slipped behind a tree as the three talked about the war and ran further into the forest as they called out his name. A part of him felt bad for the punishment that the three guardians would receive when they returned to Schlatt without him, but another part of him was overjoyed at the thought of absolute privacy. He could loosen his tie, or even slouch, and not be yelled at by his father or the many other people that constantly judged him. So there the young prince stood, at the top of the mountainside, staring down at the life he had never been a part of. From where he stood, he could roughly make out the shape of a young girl running to her mother who was calling her in for breakfast. Tubbo smiled to himself and imagined himself as the child, running to a loving mother's arms and eating a home cooked meal with family. He was pulled from that fantasy as a leaf got caught along his horn, making him flinch slightly at the still painful sensation. After attempting to saw the horns off in a relatively bloody and painful evening, Tubbo's horns remained in constant dull pain. He snatched at the leaf that took the dream from him and tore it into small shreds before returning to staring dully at the black flag that flew in front of the castle, where he was supposed to be right now. That is, until the rustle of bush leaves came from behind him. His ears twitched at the noise and quiet whispers danced their way to him. With his heightened hearing, he could make out the nearly silent talking yards away from the tree-line.
"Wilbur get down he might see you!" A voice whisper yelled. 'There's two then.'
"I recognize him actually. I believe that is the goat's son!" Another voice exclaimed, he sounded older and more serious.
"This kid?! That's Prince Tub? He doesn't look so dangerous, I could take him!" The first voice didn't even bother whispering and the rustle of the bush alerted Tubbo of the incoming person. He didn't move however and allowed a blade to swipe close enough to his neck to slice his head clean off. Tubbo's ear flicked back to the boy behind him as the purple blade nicked his neck.
"I finally found you, Prince Tub." The sword wilder smirked, venom dripping from his words. 'Father must have done something to these people.'
"I'll make you pay for what you have done to my people." There was a pause of tense silence before the boy whispered "You are exactly like your father." Something snapped within the young prince at the words. His first encounter with non-Manbergians and they already despise him for his bloodline.
The other person emerged from the forest and called to the man holding the sword. "Prince Tommy! We have to go! Be careful-" but it was too late. Within a second, Tubbo had knocked the sword from the boy's grip and forced him to the ground with the tip of the blade pointed at his exposed neck. With the sudden exchange of upper-hand, Tubbo got a good look at his attackers. The boy below him was shocked, scared. Tubbo huffed in annoyance, all bark no bite. He was blonde with bright red eyes and had small metal items welded to his teeth. The man from the forest however stood still afraid of what Tubbo might do if he moved a muscle. The Manberg prince glanced up at the man, taking note of the bow around his shoulder and the poison arrows sitting in the quiver at his hip. The boy under him shifted slightly and pushed at Tubbo's leg. "Get off me dickhead!" The blonde yelled as Tubbo stepped back slightly, shocked. His brain went fuzzy, black static filling up his thoughts and through it all, the same voice yelling "dickhead" made its way through the blocked memories. The prince stumbled slightly and lowered the purple sword to the ground.
"Dickhead?" Tubbo murmured, earning the blonde boy's attention. "Do I know you?" They asked at the same time. The two prince's shared a second of confused eye contact before an arrow pierced its way through the air and implanted into Tubbo's shoulder, making the boy stumble backwards, close to the edge of the cliff. The blonde erupted off the ground and grabbed the purple sword. Tubbo embraced for the impact, the sword cutting him open at any moment, but no sensation came.
"Wilbur stop! He's not a threat!" The boy screamed at the brunette who had another arrow trained on Tubbo's head. He flinched slightly under the older man's intense and unwavering glare, but also relished the fact that the man who he just threatened is defending him. Granted, he could feel the poison of the arrow spreading along his arm, making it go numb, but besides that the blonde was protecting him with his own body. Tubbo's head was beginning to hurt from the amount of yelling the two were doing until a loud thud drew him from his aching and poisoned headache. A blonde man had just landed between the two boys, large purple wings folding out from his shoulder-blades. He stared in awe as the man scolded the brunette and strode over to the blonde in front of him.
"Tommy, what are you hiding?" He placed a hand on the boy, making his body relax and move out of the way of the older winged man, exposing Tubbo in all his injured and defenseless glory. "Oh my, a poisoned arrow too. How long has he been like this Tommy?" The man asked as he examined Tubbo's wound. He recoiled at the man as he drew nearer, sending him off of solid ground. His eyes widened slightly as the ground below him turned to open air as he fell off the peak of the mountain.
"Shit!" The winged man exclaimed as he dove off the cliff as well, catching Tubbo in his arms and flapping the purple wings behind him in powerful strokes. The prince stared in awe at the feathers as they moved, falling in and out of consciousness as the pain spread throughout his entire body. "Stay awake son, we'll get you to a doctor." The man said, fake assurance reading his features. Tubbo didn't care however, that was the first time he felt happy being called son. He let the void of sleep take him as the man flew him further away from Manberg.

"Wilbur what the hell was that?!" Tommy screamed at his brother as they ran through the familiar forest, chasing after their father who flew yards ahead of them. Wilbur sheathed and attempted to punch the younger as they sprinted back to Pogtopia. "Don't fucking 'what the hell' me! Why did you protect him?! He's Schlatt's SON, Tommy! That man has killed thousands of our people, he deserves justice for his actions." Tommy didn't reply, thinking how batshit crazy his brother could be sometimes. The two finally reached Pogtopia's secret entrance that led down into the mines and Techno's private potato garden. By the time they made their way to the castle infirmary, Tubbo had already been healed into stable condition, but still unconscious. Philza stood at the boy's side, staring down at his sleeping form in pity until the doors were thrown open, Tommy running up to his father's side as Wilbur stood at the entrance.
"He'll be fine in a day or two. I'm proud of you, Tommy." Phil said sadly as he patted his son's back and stalked back to the entrance of the infirmary where Wilbur stood waiting. "I'll have a word with you, now." He murmured to Wilbur as the two left, leaving Tommy to collapse next to the unconscious prince. His legs shook from running and his hands shook from the adrenaline that pumped through his veins. Something about the boy was familiar. When he stood over him with the sword to his throat, something about the goat prince reminded him of something.
"I'm glad you didn't die." Tommy whispered, relief flooding his mind knowing that maybe after the prince awakes, he'll may be able to find why the boy gives him major deja vu. He ran a hand through his dirty hair and sighed, leaning against the hospital bed and dozing off to a dreamless void as the boy above him stirred slightly in his sleep.

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