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Trees are kinda like people
For most of the year they're healthy
And green
They flourish in the sun
And make amazing photography photos
Providing shade for those looking to escape the heat
Of the sun's merciless rays

But when the weather gets cold
They change
As do people when losing someone
Or going through a breakup
Or hanging out with new crowds
And their leaves begin to fall

The leaves in a way
Shedding off its personality little by little
Until eventually the leaves are no longer green
They turn to many variants of yellow, orange, red, and even brown
The tree is dying
Yet there's something beautiful about it
It's like that one sliver of hope
All the others around it are still green and strong
While that one or rather those few are dying

They decorate mountains with masterpieces
Seemingly painted by the universe itself
Putting on one final performance before it gives up
And all its leaves litter the ground in soggy piles
As a result of the freezing rain

In a way I relate myself to a tree
Except I don't find myself beautiful
Or my overwhelming feelings beautiful
I feel like the tree whose leaves never grow back, forever dead
On the inside at least
Which can't even be said
For the inside is screaming

Its always loud
It always taunts
It always thinks of the worst possible scenarios
And reminds one of things they wish to forget
It can't help it though
It wants to be alive again
Yet the inside of its trunk is hollow
Fragile, and full of longing

For the screams are echoing rapidly
Against its severely weakened walls
The screams representing the many pieces that faded away along with its rotted core
It continues fading and begins to forget
Such as an elderly suffering from dementia

It doesn't remember its past personality
How things got this bad
How its bark was full of ridges and grooves
How its canopy was once thick and vibrant
With multiple shades of green
Providing shelter to squirrels and birds
As it takes on the freezing cold of the rain
Still continuing to rot away

The screams are ear piercing
Ricocheting off the walls of its trunk
Its dead inside and out
Yet all it feels is longing and pain
As much as the tree feels the pain they've become numb to it
Like us people do
With drugs, alcohol, and sometimes self harm

This tree becomes numb
To the cold and biting wind
And the heavy snow on its bare branches
Yet as much as its used to it
It still has a sliver of hope
Waiting for that moment when all the weight will be kifted
Those cold winds stop blowing so fiercely
And its leaves will return

Seemingly that day never comes

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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