Chapter 1.2 No flirting with customers...

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The next day Minji walked to the coffee shop just to find Yubin leaned with her back on the door, waiting for Minji or Handong to arrive, since she had no keys because she wasn't supposed to be there today.

"Bin? What are you doing here?" Minji asked, confused.

"I was waiting for one of you two to show up, I don't have the keys" Yubin shortly answered.

"I'll open up for you real quick" Minji responded, taking out her keys and opening the door before turning back to Yubin. "And I asked what you were doing here because you aren't supposed to be here today"

"I know, I won't bother you in the coffee shop, don't worry" Yubin cut short again "I just needed to put down some stuff so I can go to the main street to put these somewhere" the blue haired girl replied, placing some handmade advertising on the counter.

Minji picked one of them up and gasped after inspecting it.

"D-did you make these y-yourself? Bin... they are amazing" Minji whispered.

"I've been working on those for weeks now, Minji" Yubin replied, taking the papers from Minji's hands and placing them back on the counter. "I'm not exactly an artist, but I tried my best, working on these in my free time... instead of going out with girls... because I care about this place" Yubin said, looking in Minji's eyes.

"Bin, you know that's not what I meant! I know you care about this place, of course you do! I'm really sorry for what I said yesterday, I was just... stressed I guess" the boss admitted.

"I don't know what you meant, Minji... but it seemed pretty clear to me. This place is your priority and not mine... my priority are girls" Yubin cut short, picking up the papers and picking up her backpack, walking towards the door. "I had a job... a stable one. When you told me your dream was to be the owner of a coffee shop, I was doing fine. But you are my best friend and I didn't think twice about it and I left everything to be here with you, living your dream. So I do care about this!!" Yubin raised her voice, finally letting go of the sadness she built up from yesterday.

"Bin! I know you do! And I didn't mean what I said yesterday, but don't blame you resigning from your job on me! You chose to come work for me" Minji said back in a hurt tone.

That was the drop that broke the camel's back for Yubin. She let go of her backpack and walked towards Minji, pointing her finger to the older girl's face.

"I resigned from my job for you, but it was my own choice! If this place didn't work out in the end, if something went wrong and I found myself on a street, not able to pay rent, that would be okay Minji! It was my own choice to follow you! But after I did something like that... you come to my face and say that I don't care about this? When I literally left everything to be here with you??" Yubin yelled.

"I told you I didn't fucking mean it! I just said that out of nowhere without meaning it! I apologized and explained already but you are just not listening, Yubin" Minji decided to counter, raising her voice a little too. "Just... please Yubin... Please forgive me for saying that"

"Look I-... I want to believe you, Minji. I want to believe that you didn't mean what you said but... words hurt" Yubin whispered. "Hearing you say that when I'm literally working my ass off in this place as much as you do, while preparing these at home" she said, waving the papers in front of Minji's face "It really hurt me. So you really shouldn't say things like that if you don't mean them... or at least not to your best friend" Yubin whispered weakly, opening the door.

"I... I know, Bin... Sorry" Minji said once more, knowing that she couldn't fully fix this now. "Thank you... for the papers"

Yubin just gave her a little nod, walking out of the coffee shop and closing the door behind her. The sound that the little bell on the door made was the same of every other time... but this time it sounded different, Minji thought. And for the first time she felt alone, in her own coffee shop.

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