part one

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A girl walks around her neighborhood; halfway done with the book she's holding in her hand. She closes the book and enjoys the fresh breeze on her face.

Her olive skin shines in the sun illuminating her blonde hair. In front of her is a brick mansion also known as her home. She sees her sisters frolicking in the window. When she opens the door she is met with screams and piano.

"He's coming! Mr. Choi is coming" Lia screams with her sister Yeji beside her. They're glancing through a door seeming to be more focused on what is going on in there instead of paying attention to the up coming footsteps.

"How many times have I told you not to spy?" The girl from before, Soojyn, asks her sisters.

"Shut it before they see us!" Yeji screams as her and Lia whisper about what is going on inside.

"Come on Mr.Kim! This is a perfect time for the girls to meet them and get married!" Gaining Soojyns interest she ends up with her sisters listening in on the conversation.

"Miss Kim you know they might be too young." Mr.Kim explains as he is set on reading the news paper infront of him.

"Well not Soojyn and Chung-Ho they are the perfect age to be married. We need the money, and the Choi's are rich!"

"Is mother talking about marrying us off again?" Chung-Ho inquires as she peers over Soojyns shoulder along with their other sister Tzyzu.

"When is she not talking about it?" This causes the girls to giggle and Mrs Kim makes eye contact with them.


"Soojyn no cussing!" The door opens more revealing the five girls.

"And what do you think you're doing?"

"Good morning girls"
Both of the Kim's exclaim.

"Good morning father, who do you happen to be talking about?"

"Why since you were listening I'm surprised you haven't figured it out." This sentence makes the girls giggle as they follow their father into the dinning room.

"Why the Choi's have bought their summer house in our little town Daegu." Mrs Kim states and they all sit for breakfast, being served by their workers.

"Why would they need one? Don't they have enough houses in Seoul?" Soojyn states as she picks up a scone.

"Why Soojyn if I had that money, I would buy all the houses in the world!" The over dramatic Mrs Kim states, always claiming that if they weren't poor they would have all of the riches in the world.

"Anyways," Lia states as we gather more food, "I heard they're throwing a ball! Well, not technically them but more as a ball is being thrown for them!"

"Let me guess we're going to the ball?" Tzyzu asks even though she knows the answer right away; dreading to go to another social event.

"Of course! Now the ball isn't until tomorrow night. Wear your nicest dresses I expect not to see any dirty dresses." This statement seems to be pointed at Soojyn since she is wearing a dirty dress right now.

The day goes on without much talk about the ball. As the day is over and Soojyn and Chung-Ho crawl into their bed they question,

"What do you think the Choi's are gonna look like?" Chung-Hongiggles imagining their faces in her head already.

"Well wouldn't you like to know? You would marry a Choi." Soojyn states, which causes a slap on her arm.


"I heard one of the Choi's are very closed off. He hasn't had a girlfriend at all. Only focusing on his duty's as a brother and a inheritor. I heard his dad died last year." Chung-Ho throws all these statements out as if she has been studying them down to what size pants they wear.

"Well, now that you sound like a stalker. I suggest we get some sleep. Don't wanna show up to the party with eye bags." Soojyn pull her eyes down to mimic the eye bags they will have in the morning.

"Good night."

"Good night."

Soojyn blows out the candle and sleeps with nothing on her mind except the ball; though she will never admit.

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