part two

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To say the day of the party was chaos would be an understatement. Lia and Yeji were excited that three new boys were coming to Daegu, since they already tried to woo all the boys here. Tzyzu was being, well Tzyzu on the piano playing a new song that Soojyn believes to be Beethoven. Chung-Ho was writing in her journal about how excited she was for today's events. Soojyn was seen in her room reading a book from the day before, determined to finish the story.

They were now outside of the ball, all of the Kim's. People knew the of the Kim's because every where they went it turned into chaos.

Inside the mansion where the ball was being held was absolutely breathtaking. The chandeliers that hung from the ceiling were covered in burning candles. There were oil paintings all over the house, some being naked which cause Soojyn to chuckle.

At last the ball really began. Everyone was dancing, the orchestra was playing in the back ground giving it a very fairy tale esk theme. Soojyn and Chung-Ho were in  the corner talking with their other cousin Jihyo.

"Well when do you think they're going to show up?" Jihyo inquires; clearly just as excited as Chung-Ho.

"It seems to be they're here." Soojyn states as the room becomes quite and steps are heard. The door opens revealing three tall and handsome boys. The one on the left has bright yellow hair, which quite left Soojyn speechless. The yellow hair person was wearing a black suit and tie which really made his hair pop. His lips were very plump, it seemed rude for Soojyn to keep staring but it was as if she couldn't take her eyes off of them. On the far right had light blue hair, which really looked like the color of his suit. He had soft features which reminded Soojyn of a bunny. The one in the middle however, caught her attention the most. He was shorter than the other ones but that didn't mean he was less beautiful. He had curly black hair which fell over his eyes. His hand moved to move the piece of hair and Soojyns eyes were glued to the movement. Soojyn then noticed the freckles on this mans face. They really added a summer glow on this man which led Soojyn to think he must've spent his whole summer outside. His suit was a white which contrasted with his black hair but made Soojyn all more interested.

The three boys began to walk to the front of the room as people cleared way, afraid of what will happen if they're in their way. When they made it to the front they faced the crowd and bowed. The music then commenced.

"The one in the middle seems to have a cold face." Soojyn grimaced as if she couldn't believe someone could be sad.

"Soojyn!? Chung-Ho?!" The girls hear a faint call.

"It looks like it's your time to meet them, good luck." And with that Jihyo disappears into the crowd and their mother submerges from it with Tzyzu already in her hold.

"Come on let's go meet the Choi's." Mrs Kim says with a bright smile.

The boys notice the four girls coming over and immediately gets ready to speak. Although, the one in the white suit does not feel like talking at all; or even going to this ball.

"Hello Choi's" Mrs Kim states with a bright smile, "these are some of my daughters Tzyzu, Chung-Ho, and Soojyn. I have two more but they seem more interested in dancing ." They all curtsy after the sentence; Soojyn and the mysterious man in the white coat make eye contact. Immediately her heart begins to flutter.

"Very nice to meet you Kim's I am Choi Yeonjun," the one with the yellow hair states, "these are my brothers Choi Soobin and Choi Beomgyu."

So Beomgyu is mysterious white suit guy. Soojyn must say his name fits his vibe very well.

"Hello Kim's it is very nice to meet you all." Soobin states with a very cute Seoul accent, if Soojyn wasn't so intrigued with Beomgyu she certainly would've been intrigued with him.

"Hello." Beomgyu states after his brother shoots him a glare. His voice surprises Soojyn, his voice seems like it could sing her to sleep with such a simple word. As they leave, Soojyn can already tell Beomgyu is someone she wants to be closer with.

a/n : if i put two characters together that are idols in real life i do not ship them. this is just a story and just fiction, i know this will not happen in real life.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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