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Some say that there is a spirit who appears only to the children who aren't shown enough love and affection by the people who are supposed to care for them. They say that his name is Milan. With his dark skin, long grey hair and beard and kind smile always on his lips, Milan shows himself to the broken children.

The story goes that when he was alive, he was mistreated horribly and never wanted another child to feel the way that he did. When Milan appears to the children, he shows them the compassion that they had barely, if not never, experienced. Sometimes, he just talks to them and lets them cry on his shoulder. Other times he just holds them gently in his arms until they fall asleep. No matter what the circumstance, Milan always tells the children that they were worth it. That they are enough. That everything is going to be ok.

When Milan leaves the children, they feel a sort of happiness and joy that they have never felt before... they feel hope.

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