Here we go again

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I heard a knock at the door. I grab my robe and begin to tie it as I walk downstairs. Knock after knock, I finally yelled "Oh for God's sake! I'm coming!"

I open the door to only see my ex wife and my son. "Hi mommy!" Chaz hugs my leg.

"Oh hi darling" I pick him up and kiss his cheek.

"Did you have fun at mommas?" He nods.

"Good!" I run my fingers through his short blonde hair.

"Hey..can we talk..?" Pauli looks at me and I nod.

"Go upstairs and go play with your toys" I put him down and he runs upstairs.

"Be careful Chaz! I don't want you running upstairs and falling" I look at him as he slows down.

He waddles, as he goes up each step. Him being only 4 made it so much cuter to watch.

"Anyway, you wanted to talk" pauli steps inside and I close the door behind her.

"I have a question for you" she pulls up her skirt a little.

"Well say it then" I put my hands together.

"I am going on a business trip and I wanted-" i cut her off.

"Oh a business trip, like always..." i put it in quotations.

"Will you be quiet and let me speak" she snaps at me. We didnt exactly have the greatest relationship.

After the ugly divorce, we wanted nothing to do with each other. "Okay, go on.."

"I wanted to know if I could bring Chaz along..." i instantly give her a dirty look.

"How long..."

"2 weeks" my mouth drops.

"You want to take my child away from me for 2 weeks?!" I practically yelled.

"God could you be any louder! I wanted him to go with me and Kate. We would only be going to Spain" she moves some of her curly red hair out of her face.

"Go to spain??! And with kate! I am not letting my son go with my ex wife and her whore" she sighs.

"Shes not a whore cher! And why won't you let me take him! It's just for two weeks! I only get to see him on weekends and that's all. At least let me have him for 2 weeks. I'm begging"

Kate was definitely a whore, nothing but an assistant and sexy clothing. Paul a year ago...had been having affairs with her.

"Oh paul! You choose to get him on the weekends. You fought for it, so dont give me that shit. I could've easily told you to fuck off" I snap back in response.

I didn't want to hear that bullshit. Paul is a lawyer and she did everything in her will to only have chaz on the weekends, but like always, she complains.

"Look if I wanted to, i could've easily had him for the week days. But instead I wanted to be nice and let you have it"

"Oh want to call it nice?! You can't even be nice and you want to use it" she rolls her eyes at me.

"Fine you can take him, but if anything happens to him, your body will be six feet under the ground"

"I know! Jesus" she sighs.

"When are you goung?"

"In two days. Make sure to pack everything he needs"

"Like I didn't know that already"

"Oh and I brought him new shoes..and bew clothes" I stare at her.

"What was the point in that?"

"He need new ones"

"No he didn't! And if he did, I could've easily gone out and brought him some. He doesn't need his other mother, buying his love"

"Buying his love? You think I'm buying his love?!" Paul yells at me.

"If anything you are! Buying him extra shit he doesn't need or even want! You go on tours and just leave him with me. You get home and say sorry and then buys him cookies and other shit. He doesnt need all that candy and sweets anyway" she says as I walk to the kitchen and she follows behind me.

I look at her with so much anger. "You're so lucky I won't choke you, because that's something I really want to do"

"Go ahead! Do it"

"I'm not that person"

"Oh well you were that person when you knocked me on the ground and started slapping me"

"That was one time! And for the record you shouldn't have punched me!"

"I only punched you because you were being such an asshole to me"

"I was being an asshole because you were being a total bitch to me" at this point I gave up trying be calm. I screamed at her.

She begins to cry. "Oh god pauli, you are such a baby. Get real"

"You didn't have to scream at me!"

"Oh for Gods sake shut the fuck up"

"Mommy...momma" Chaz comes running in the kitchen.

"Why are you fighting again.. you're always fighting" his tears drop down his little cheeks.

"Oh darling we weren't" I pick chaz up and give him a little kiss on the forehead.

"We were having a conversation, not fighting honey" pauli wipes her tears and smiles.

"Are you guys hate each other. It only make sense to fighty" Chaz hugs me and I wipe his tears.

"Chaz, momma wanted to know if you would want to go to Spain with her and kate?"

"Yes! Yes! I would love to momma" he says it excitingly.

"I love kate, shes so cool and nice" I turn to stare at paul.

"You let him be around her.."

"Of course I do. After all she is my girlfriend"

"So unbelievable"

"No fighty" Chaz begins to tear up again.

"Why can't you guys get along" he says in the cutest way possible.

"Well because we don't love each other anymore.." I say as I put him down.

"You can still like someone even though you dont love them" he was absolutely correct but in this case, this was no way I could like her.

"Yes but me and mommy have a very difficult relationship" I nod in agreement.

"I should get going shouldnt I"

"You should" I smile.

Paul bends down and gives chaz a hug. "Ill see you in two days" she smiles at him and he smiles back.

Me on the other hand, just want to kick her ass and watch her fall on her face. Make that gorgeous face of hers all bloody.

I can't but stare, she did have a perfect ass. Paul turns to me "will you stop staring"

"I wasn't" I look away.

"Yeah, like I don't know how you are" she stands up.

"Just get out of my house already" I walk with her to the door and open it.

"Now leave or I will literally kick you out"

"Jesus..I'm going" she walks down the steps and go to her car.

Once again I find myself staring at her ass.

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