villains attack

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As soon as the next day had come around we went right back to training just like yesterday where I had to lift a large rock, flap my wings, breath fire, and constantly generate my ice armor and since we had to wake up early in the morning again and we didn't really recover from our last training session I was even more tired than before which made this training day even harder than before and after we were told we got to play a game at night after eating but I mostly wanted to sleep but I didn't really have much of a choice in the matter so after we ate we all gathered to get ready for this test of courage and I ended up getting paired with Midoriya after drawing tickets

"Looks like it'll be the two of us." I said and Midoriya nodded and I could tell he was extremely nervous "Don't worry, I'm sure that 1-B won't be that scary, you probably have nothing to worry about." I said and he simply nodded again then we waited for our turn to go into the woods but then there was some sort of smell in the air, it was faint but it was there and once we all looked up we saw smoke and then out of nowhere Pixie-bob was picked up and flown towards someone who slammed her head on the ground causing it to bleed and once we had all looked over we saw two villains, one was dressed like the hero killer and the other had a weapon they were using to keep pixie-bob pinned down

"How are you this evening UA high school? we are part of the vanguard action squad of the league of villains." the lizard guy said and I was shocked

'the league of villains? so Toma is behind this, does that mean he's here to?' I thought but I shook those thoughts away 'Right now is not the best time to be thinking about that, I need to focus on the fight ahead and survive.' I thought then Mandalay told us that we should return to camp and not to engage the enemy but while everyone else started to run back to camp Midoriya stayed where he was

"Mandalay, Kota, I know where he is." Midoriya said and Mandalay nodded

"Understood, you'll go get him and bring him back, we'll hold off these villains." Mandalay said and Midoriya nodded then he activated his quirk and ran off then everyone else ran back to camp and I was following them for a bit until I stopped and looked up

"Sera, what's wrong?" Ida asked then I looked at him

"This gas is still lingering around, it's extremely faint but I can still smell some of it." I said and Ida was confused

"I don't understand." Ida said then I looked behind me

"Back where those villains were it was a lot stronger than here, which means that the gas seems to be coming from further within the forest." I said then Ida nodded

"I see, there's a range to the gas but that probably means that there are people trapped inside of it, we must go and rescue them." Ida said but I shook my head

"No, I'll go rescue them, if you run headfirst into the gas you're just gonna breath in a lot more of it, I can fly above the gas and avoid it so I'm their best bet at getting out of it safely." I said

"But what if they have the sky covered and you run into more villains?" Ida asked as I spread my wings

"I'll just have to avoid them but if they give me too much trouble then I'll be forced to take them down." I said then I flew into the air and above the forest and as I flew around I looked down and saw the pussycats fighting the villains and also some thick gas that seems to surround a large part of the forest "The villain that's making all of this gas seems to be somewhere in that gas since I'm not immune myself I'll have to stay up here ad search for people inside of it." I said as I flew above the gas and searched for people but the gas and the trees were making it difficult so I decided to head to the rocks to see if anyone had gone there to escape the gas and use it as a vantage point but once I got there I saw Midoriya slammed into the rock wall by a muscular man whose muscle fibers were on the outside of his arm then he went to attack him again but Midoriya was able to dodge it but wasn't able to dodge his kick and was slammed into the wall again so I quickly flew down and punched him in the face making him slam into the wall then I went to Midoriya "Midoriya, are you alright?" I asked

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