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"JISEOK!" his partner screeches as the other is dragged away forcefully by the arms, two very buff henchman with their clammy hands gripped tightly around each arm.

on the other side of the abandoned warehouse was his life long friend and partner in crime, w̶̢̢̛̙̮̰̬̞̫̥̳̙̮͚̖̬͇̗̣̱͚͔͕͙̠̆͌̾̂̍́́̊̑͌̈́̇̅́̂̃̔̇̎͜͝ͅm̴̡̢̛̹̙̰̼̯̦̦͔̘͈̰̦̮̪͇͍̞̞̘̬̖̓̅̍͋̏͌͌͗̆̈́͊͋̈́̐̔͋͆̒͊̌͘͘͘͜͜͝t̶̻̙̰̬͕͕̅̂͛̈́̒́̒̊̂̄͠r̶̛̹͓̻̩̜͍̣͊́̅͗̊ģ̴̢̢̖̘͈̗̗͙̹̦̞̰͕̳͇̘͕͆͑̈́̐̉̀̓̑͆h̸̞͎̍̐ͅͅ, gripping his gun so tightly his knuckles were turning white and losing all sense of sanity as he tries his absolute hardest to kill every last enemy in front of him.

jiseok stares helplessly and in disbelief, watching his soulmate going into a suicide mission and attacking all those guards alone whilst he was useless and dragged around like a rag doll.

it was more than enough motivation for him to do something.

he looks down at the muscular arms of the man yanking him away, knowing that his slim body would be no match if he tried to force himself out the traditional way. so he prepares himself to run and bites down hard on the arm of the security guard

he cries in pain and very quickly lets go of jiseok, letting him free to sprint across the concrete. as if he were flying, he'd never ran so fast in his life. and when it finally processed in his mind, the scene that was laid in front of him, he only pushed to run faster.

surrounded by countless dead bodies collapsed on the ground and blood seeping out of their wounds, it looked like a massacre and yet more just keep coming. his partner was pinned down on the ground by another one of the villain's evil henchmen, a knife pressed against his throat.

jiseok grabs a gun from a nearby fallen soldier, not missing a single step and doesn't even hesitate to unlock the safety and pull the trigger, shooting the henchman right in the head and causing him to collapse to the left of his partner's body.

"you thought you could get rid of me that easily huh." jiseok smirks, letting his satoori ebb freely from his mouth after shooting two more men that were fast approaching them. many more were hot on their tails too.

"ah man i thought i had you there." his partner grins despite being in a near death scenario, quickly picking up a few more guns and discarding the empty ones from his holster.

the sound of footsteps were getting louder and closer, it was so loud in his ear as though they were right beside him, almost in his head.

"jiseok! jiseok!" they called out, chanting his name like a weird mantra over and over and over again, he felt like they had worked their way into his head. the villain must've planted something in his mind! and it was now screaming his name in an attempt to distract him.

yoon jiseok was better than that though. he overcomes the voices easily. only for his body began to tremble and shake but the footsteps suddenly ceased and come to a halt—


the boy jolts awake.

and a frown settles on his face.

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