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Hey ! I'm having trouble with my computer which was sent to the repair center, ugh ! anyway, didn't get many comments on the last piece of smut. Hope it was to your liking.

I've been contracted by webnovel on this story, as non exclusive. if you read it on this platform, you will find new chapters (as per contract). This is the cover I drew for it.

A few days ago, three people were killed in a church by a crazy islamist. I do hope that texts like those can touch people's hearts anyway. 

— "Why the long face, love of my life ?"

His lips quirked up, reacting to the title. If he had been slightly depressed, Frances' affectionate call was sure to lift his spirits up. The young woman settled beside him at the table, her hand sliding across his back as she took a peek at the contract before him. Mere seconds passed before she exclaimed happily.

— "Congratulations ! I didn't know you'd had an offer already. You are so perfect for this job"

Her enthousiasm felt misplaced; she probably had not read the bottom line.

— "Did you read it all ?"

— "Yes."

— "I forget how fast you read sometimes"

Perhaps it was a trick of her studies, but he had long abandoned the idea to peruse an article with her without looking like an utter fool.

— "Does it not suit you ?", she asked.

He bristled slightly on his chair, wondering at her good mood.

— "Well. Part time, it brings only 750€ a month, but they can't afford more."

Working in social services certainly didn't make a man rich, but the idea to guide and support a group of youngsters into life was closer to anything he had done before. And he knew, somehow, that he would accomplish himself in such a role. Yet, it didn't contribute much to the household. Frances shrugged beside him.

— "That's good enough, right ? You've got your Tai-Chi classes. And the rent is not even 500€ here. We don't need more for the moment."

— "Are you sure ?", he questioned.

Tristan had been excluded from everyday concerns for so long that he had trouble adjusting to the normal expenses. Despite his poor wages, he had been housed and sometimes fed, clothes furnished and in need of very little things. It didn't fit a young woman's lifestyle, especially when it came to shopping or travelling. An income lower than 1000€ a month wasn't ideal, but Frances' eyes still twinkled with warmth as she grabbed his hand.

— "Definitely."

Her lips bestowed a slight kiss upon his knuckles before she explained her point of view.

— "Part time will give you balance, Tristan. Look how I struggle to keep a life ? It will allow you to go to church, practice Tai Chi, or do some chores without squeezing the life out of you. In two years I'll be working with an engineer salary and we'll expand our horizons"

Tristan nodded, considering her point of view seriously. Yes, it made sense. After all, Frances didn't spend much – expect on clothes and fabric – and didn't seem the jet setter type. She didn't go out, didn't drink, neither clubbed, went to the university cheap sports classes and enjoyed the outdoors as a treat. Perhaps it was good enough to make things works after all.

— "It's you I need", she concluded.

And a full smile bloomed upon his face when he responded with a kiss. When he pulled away, cupping her cheek with his long fingers, Tristan whispered:

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