23 | Mourn

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Renjun's phone screen cracked. Tears leaked through his eyes. Jeno and Jaemin were with him, it was just on an early Friday afternoon. 

"What's wrong?" Jaemin asked, rubbing his back. Jeno and Jaemin were worried and confused. He's dead. 

"I-I think I-I h-have to g-go..." Renjun stammered, he got up, but couldn't walk properly. Renjun ended up collapsing on himself. Chenle noticed and ran over to help Renjun. 

"Hyung, what's wrong?" Chenle questioned.

"As thy moon passes, so does he," Renjun quoted. Chenle gasped, covering his mouth.

"Uh, you two, can you write an excuse for Renjun. He has a place to be," Chenle said, helping Renjun up. Jeno looked at Jaemin, who shrugged and went with it.


"My beloved, as thy moon crosses beyond love, one left solely like heartbreak. Quivering as thy separation of the Spruce tree of Sitka," Renjun quoted. YangYang was also in the room, he wasn't sure what Renjun said, but he knew it was about the loss of his grandfather. 

Renjun attended his burying, funeral gathering, only standing from a distance away. As if he contained one of the deepest and dark secrets.


"Where's Renjun? He hasn't attended school for a while," Jaemin asked Donghyuck.

"Renjun won't like it if you knew," Donghyuck answered, shoving ice cream in his mouth.

"But why?" Jaemin questioned.

"Look, if you liked him, and are truly a good person to Renjun, you would know when information is good at the right time and place. And, being very nosy into his personal life isn't the way to go," Donghyuck said, turning around looking a bit pissed.

Jaemin walked off, going towards Jeno. 


Renjun returned after a few days, he seemed sadder than usual. 

"Humans die off easily like snow on a spring day," Renjun quoted once. 

Renjun was still in mourning over his past lover. Although they weren't together, he didn't accept his love, and such. Renjun still had strong feelings, but he was broken. He didn't care for falling in love again. 

He didn't want the pain of falling for another mortal.

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