chapter ten

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                             ~SUGA POV~
everything happened too fast for me and my body couldnt keep up which is why I am here.. laying in my bed in pain... I am 8 months pregnant and I am sick! I have a terrible headache and I have a fever yet daichi isn't here surprisingly yamaguchi hasn't given birth yet yesterday he got into his 10th month and his belly keeps growing not only that I've been getting really bad cramps and my body is really tired

I just laid in my bed tired and yamaguchi keeps going back and forth to take care of me he is really sweet and I'm happy that he is here with me the door opened and yaku came in "hey how are you feeling?" he asked as he walked to me and sat on the bed caressing his stomach

oh yea I forgot to tell you! yaku and kenma is pregnant! kuroo and lev went a bit too rough..... poor yaku he is going back and forth from his shared apartment with lev and my sister's place all the time "I am feeling worse then an hour ago.. what about you?" I asked "oh it hurts a bit but I'm doing good" yaku replied making me smile "its gonna end up nice yaku" I said and yaku smiled before leaving so I could rest minutes after my sister had came to me "hey I got you food" she said and I sat up "you know mom was also sick the day before your birth maybe it means something" she said placing the tray of food on my lap "not a chance I'm only 8 months" I said and started to eat the food "I guess you're right" she said and smiled

I ate my food it was good and really comfortable yamaguchi were with me multiple times today and even though I was sick he was here to be with me and I am grateful for that "you should sleep its getting late" yamaguchi said and I looked out of the window seeing the dark sky and I laid on my side yamaguchi laying besides me and both of us fell asleep at the same time

I woke up that morning sun shining in through the curtains I looked besides me and saw yamaguchi sleeping i smile and get up slowly I'm happy he sleeps he hasn't slept for a few days because of the twins i go to the bathroom and did my business and took a shower before running to the walk in closet in the room my sister has a bigger house then me and daichi and the rooms are a lot bigger then ours its as big as a living room with couches and a TV and everything and the bed is a king size bed so yams and I had no trouble sharing a room for the time being

after I dressed up I walked back to the room and left the room quietly so yams get more sleep... in the hall i saw kenma and kuroo kenma of course was playing ignoring his boyfriend I closed the door softly so less sound get through to the room kenma heard and turned around before running to me and hugged me "someone is affectionate~" I said hugging kenma back as much as I could "not really but I wanted to hug others then kuroo is it weird that he kinda-... stink?" Kenma said making me giggle "its not~ some don't like the smell of their partner but you'll just live with it" I replied him and started walking downstairs with kenma kuroo being jealous and walking behind us

I came to the kitchen seeing yaku and lev kuroo and kenma stayed in the living room-... "good morning" I said drawing the attention to me "good morning~!" the couple said at the same time smiling as I walk to the sink yaku scolding lev for making a mistake behind me "but you said one egg-" lev whined "I didn't tell you to crack it in the bowl! we needed an extra bowl you goof!" yaku kept scolding lev as he tried reaching the bowls from the higher cabins "yaku-.. need help?" I asked as he looked at me nodding making me laugh

I got yaku his bowl and yaku thanked me and turned back to lev correcting his mistake I left the kitchen with my cup of water and placed it on the coffee table plopping down besides kenma kuroo not being here for a moment and that was the only moment of silence in my life because the second I pick up my cup it gets knocked off my hand and why?! because bokuto and akaashi is here means bokuto and kuroo ran around like crazy knocking my water on the floor

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