One day, Chanyeol and Baekhyun went to walk the dog called Vanessa. Then, on the street, Chanyeol and Baekhyun met two girls called Charmaine and Stephanie. At that time, Charmaine and Stephanie were walking their cat called Annie. The cat Annie and the dog Vanessa saw each other and they started to fight. Then Chanyeol suddenly kissed Baekhyun because Vanessa pulled the string too hard. But Chanyeol and Baekhyun pretended that nothing happened and asked Charmaine and Stephanie to dance with them. So they had a dance break, just before the grand finale ending, Kai and Sehun appeared and Sehun asked Charmaine and Stephanie to buy him bubble tea. Well of course, Sehun grabbed Chanyeol and Baekhyun away.
When Charmaine and Stephanie arrived at the bubble tea, shop, they saw something marvelous. All EXO members were there having a after concert party. They all drank wine and had fun until Chanyeol was drunk. Chanyeol started to talk gibberish in front of 13 people, and all they did was looking at each other going like, "Wha?..." Baekhyun send Chanyeol home but he couldn't do it himself so Charmaine went and helped him while Stephanie went dancing with Kai. Then suddenly, there was a loud thud sound, and everyone looked at the direction where the sound came from. Charmaine, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol were all on the ground, so Stephanie went to help them. Chanyeol hugged Charmaine and didn't let me go, at the same time, Stephanie fell on the ground too because Kai's stupid feet and Stephanie dropped on Baekhyun. The two young girls were screaming their heads off, and the rest of the EXO members were just like.. GOSH.., so the remaining 10 people came to "rescue" the 4 people that's on the ground. "DEAD"... Chanyeol went screaming and yelling while Baekhyun was saying.... Gapseong.. Charmaine went swearing in Cantonese+English+Mandarin and Stephanie went swearing in English+Korean+Mandarin... Kris suddenly appears and said "Galaxy Bad Boy is not my style, what the heck is going on here? Charmaine are you alright?" Because of that the 4 people "DEAD" on the ground was too noisy, Luhan had to transport 4 apples to block their mouths, Lay had to calm them down with his healing superpower, and Kai had to teleport all 14 people back to EXO's dorm.
FanfictionNON-SENSE.. Yeah, even though the title says non-sense, the first part will be non-sense. But as the story continues, what will happen to EXO's manager, Charmaine and Stephanie? Please comment and vote for this story!