The Exception

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Chapter 1: The Exception

"You're pretty for a dark skinned girl." He said with a smile, as if the words that just rolled off of his tongue was the sweetest thing he could tell me.

My smile had instantly transformed into a look of disgust. I've heard those six words my entire life had they have always made my skin crawl. Telling me I'm pretty for a dark skinned girl is the furthest thing from a compliment. I could never just be called pretty, no, I had to be the exception to the stereotype that all dark skin girls are unattractive.

I rolled my eyes, "You were this close." I said as I made a tiny gap between my index finger and thumb, "This close." I repeated.

"What'd I do?" He asked while scrunching his eyebrows together.

I just sighed as I began walking away, it never failed. Whenever I thought I'd met someone worth giving a chance they did something to mess it up. It happened so often I should've probably been use to it by then, but I wasn't. Every time felt like a fresh stab in the chest.

When I was younger I hated my dark skin, brown eyes, and tight curls. I envied girls with light skin and pretty green eyes. I longed for loose waves that fell down my back, but as I got older I began to love all the things I once loathed about myself. My chocolate skin, warm brown eyes, and my coily shoulder length hair were all the things that that made me myself, all the things that made me beautiful. I knew my worth and I refused to settle for anything less.

I continued my walk home, trying to forget about the disaster I had just walked into. After a few minutes I had finally reached my apartment building. I quickly made my way into the lobby, entered the elevator, and pressed 6. I lived in a condo in Manhattan with my mom, dad, and twin brother Lamar. As son as I opened the door I was instantly comforted by a gush of cool air. This July weather was really starting to take a toll on me.

The second I walked in I could smell my mother's cooking and hear my dad yelling at some game that was playing on tv.

"Hey daddy." I smiled as I made my way over to the couch. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a daddy's girl, actually I'm probably the biggest one you'll ever meet.

"Hey hunny." He replied, only half paying attention.

"Where's mom?

"Kitchen." He replied, still his eyes were glued to the television.

I quickly followed the heavenly  to the kitchen where my mom was over the stove mixing something in a pot.

"Whats cooking, it smells amazing?" I asked, I was basically starving.

"It's this new recipe I'm trying, I call you when its ready." My mom replied with a warm smile.

I continued down the hall towards my room. I heard Future blasting from my left, Lamar must have  been home which was odd. No matter the weather Lamar would usually be out and about. He was the more outgoing one, I really just kept to myself.

I swung my door open, dropped my stuff, and plopped on my bed. I had no idea what to do wit myself. After a long twenty mites of contemplating I decided to get up and take a shower, that way I'd have something to keep me busy until my mom had finished cooking. Thirty minutes and a much needed shower later, I threw on some pajamas and laid back down. Not even a minute later I got a text from Monica.

Mo💕😜✨: Buzz me in I'm downstairs.

Monica was my best friend. She was brown skin with long brownish blonde hair, full lips, long lashes, and brown eyes. We met about three years ago during our freshman year of high school. We clicked instantly and have basically been inseparable every since. I loved her because she kept it real with me at all times.

I buzzed her in and within two minutes she was in my room with an overnight bag. After sitting her bag down she came over to my bed and nudged me.

"Come on London, get up."

"But whyyyy?' I groaned.

"It's only ten o'clock and you're already in bed with pajamas on. This isn't the right way to start your summer."Mo replied as she gave me the most disappointed look she could muster.

"I don't have plans tonight."

"Yes you do, we're going to a party tonight."

"We who?"

"We as in you and I. London and Monica, so get up and start getting cute."

" I don't know.."

"Come on London we miss the first big party of the summer, everyone's going and I mean everyone."

I thought about it for a second, I figured it couldn't be too bad. I was always overthinking things so I finally decided to just say "fuck it".

"Fine I'll go."

Mo's face instantly lit up. "Now let's find you something to wear."

Tell me what you guys think! I'd really appreciate it.

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