Chapter 6

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Dallas would be at my house in a little over an hour, she asked if she could come over earlier and borrow a dress or something of mine. I said yeah and just to call me when she was outside so I could go downstairs and unlock my door. Until Dallas got here I decided I had enough time to shower and at least start my hair. Since I have such long thick hair it takes forever to wash, blow dry then straighten it. So I headed into the bathroom and into the shower I went.                                                                                        

I was actually really excited to go to my first college party of the year as an actual college student and not a high school student. Even though I am a total nerd when it comes to my education when I have all my school work done I turn into a raging party animal. I love the party scene, it’s fun and exciting. I couldn’t wait to just get there and let loose.

By the time I finished my shower and started my hair Dallas called saying she was downstairs so I threw on a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top and ran down my stairs to get the door.

“Hey girl!” Dallas said reaching in for a hug

“Hey, it’s about time you’re here, I need your help picking out my outfit!” I said hugging her back.

Dallas walks through the door and we head upstairs “Alright me too and I have to do my makeup, are you sure you don’t mind me borrowing something, nothing I have fits my mood for tonight?”

“No it is totally fine!” I respond

“Okay thanks so much, I will let you pick your outfit first!” she responds laughing.

“Fine with me.” I say putting the hair straightener back up to my hair.  While Dallas lays across my bed just watching me. I plan on just leaving it straight and Dallas has already beach waved her hair. It looks really nice but when I try to do it it flattens out because my hair is so long and thick so I think the weight weighs it down.


We both did our makeup but I waited to add my lipstick until I decided what I was going to wear. After twenty minutes of trying on dresses Dallas and I are convinced we have found the perfect dresses. Her dress is a cranberry fitted dress that has no sleeves and is super short. It’s very simple and cute. She threw on some open toe nude heels and a gold statement necklace. My dress was simple too but it was my go to dress. I was a skin tight fitted dress that had one long sleeve. It fit my body perfectly showing off my boobs and butt amazingly, I grabbed my red heels and didn’t add any jewelry beside a pair of huge diamond stud earrings that I got for my sixteenth birthday. I then added my last touch as I looked in the mirror which was my red lipstick.

Typically since we were both dressed up it was time to take a few selfies. I took a few by myself as well as Dallas then we took some together. After debating which picture she looked best in she said that we should probably get going a little earlier to get there on time so we left for the party.


After we got into the car and started driving we sang along to the music while I went through my few selfies I took back in my room. I immediately knew which one I wanted to post; it’s me making a kissy face with my head tilted to the side. I posted it to my Instagram and shared it to my Facebook. “So where is this party?” I asked realizing that I had no clue where we were actually going.

“I guess it is in one of the junior guys parents lake house. It is like deep in the woods and…” she says before I cut her off.

“WAIT WHAT?! I thought it was at a frat house?” I say completely thrown off from what she said

“It was but I guess they got a paper saying that if they got caught throwing a party they would be put on suspension so one of the guys offered to throw it at his parents lake house so they won’t get caught.” Dallas says

“Oh okay I guess this should be fun.” I say back looking down at my phone which is buzzing from notifications from Facebook and Instagram.


After driving for almost forty minutes of driving because we made a wrong turn in the woods we pull up the lake house. There are cars all over and no other houses on the street. So I guess we have lots of privacy. We parked as close to the house as we could so we didn’t have to walk on the dirt road too far in our heels. I can hear the music coming from the house and people laughing, chatting. There are guys and girls walking all around with drinks in their hands.

We walk into the house and right away are greeted with cups of beer from some guy who is clearly drunk already. We take the cups and look around.


After a while of being there I have already talked to a few guys and seen some familiar faces. I danced with one guy who told me he went to the state university a few miles away from my town. Dallas had disappeared with his friend which was the usual for her so I was left to party on my own.

About an hour and a half of being there and I had already had two beers and a shot but I wasn’t drunk but I was feeling it. I still didn’t know where Dallas was. I decided to go outside and see what was going on out there.

 I carefully made my way down the front stair and headed off down the boardwalk that led to the lake, it seemed to be packed with people. After checking it out I decided that I needed to find a bathroom. So I headed back into the house. I asked some random girl where the bathroom was and she pointed upstairs but didn’t say where so I headed up to find it on my own. While I was walking up a familiar face was walking down the stairs, he kindly pushed to the side so we could both pass by each other and I just smiled and kept walking, he had blue eyes and blonde hair. His face was so familiar but I couldn’t remember from where.

As I walked around the top floor looking for a bathroom I was looking down to focus on my walking, I would just die if I fell in front of everyone. I opened the next door which was a bedroom and there was a couple in there so I quickly closed the door. I then went to walk to the next door out I walked right into someone, a guy. “oh I'm so sor…”I  say looking up met my an even familiar face that had a huge grin when he turned to see who walked into him. The face of Harry Styles.

{A/N So so soooooooooo sorry for the long wait. My computer isn’t working and I finally got it to work enough for me to post a chapter. I am still trying to get back to a happier place before everything that has happened over the last few months happened. It is a daily struggle but I am trying. I am always here for you if you need anything at all don't hesitate my inbox is always open. Happy reading XOXO :) }

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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