it ends here. 🎶

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There seemed to be no hope left in the match.
3 ciphers were left. Vera and Martha were already sent back to the manor and Eli was injured, kiting for his life.

"The hunter is near me!" Eli pinged, no owls in clutch.
Naib hurriedly tried to finish his cipher but there was no use, Eli was downed. His heart started racing, sweat gathering on his forehead.
"Don't move! I'm coming!!"
Eli was slowly bleeding out. Only to be expected when the hunter is the infamous Photographer.
"Get out of here!"

"Oh. Don't worry. I'll get that Mercenary, as well. Don't bleed out by the time I get back, alright?" Joseph teased as he turned and walked away.
Eli was already past half way from Joseph bleeding him out earlier. At this point, he knew there was no making it out alive.
Naib rushed over, crouching beside him, pushing his back against the wall and quickly tending to his injuries.
"N-Naib... go-" Eli coughed relentlessly. "g-go find dungeon.."
Naib wrapped Eli's bleeding arm in bandages before noticing the huge stab wound pierced through his side.
"No. No no no no no- This can't be happening."
Eli's vision started blacking out, the pain becoming unbearable.
He cringed at the searing pain coming from his hip. "Naib. Please- I won't make it.. just- just get out of here."
"I can't leave you here, Eli. Please we can do this- just let me-" Naib was unusually panicked as he was applying pressure on the biggest wound with a gauze. Eli screamed in agony, more blood coming from the slashed skin.
Naib started to cry.
Not cry.
Naib has seen plenty of pain and death in his life. Even to the point where he was numb to it. But when it came to Eli, it hit him in the tender spot in his severely guarded heart. In all honesty, he was even shocked he was crying.
But what was he to do? His lover was in pain and there was nothing he could do about it besides sit by him and watch him slowly slip away.
Sobs wrecked through his entire body as he gripped Eli's hands in an effort to ground himself.
Naib's usual stoic front was no more, he was emotionally raw.
Eli has never seen Naib cry before.
Eli sat up a bit straighter, his mask falling off and revealing his worry filled cerulean eyes.
"Why are you crying, dear? I-It's okay. I'll be okay. G-Get out of here.."
"Eli. I don't know what to do. I can't let you g-go. II'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I-"
Eli loosened one of his hands from the others grip and raised it to Naib's face, wiping at the tear stained skin.
"Get out of here."  Eli softly spoke as he closed his eyes.
"Eli- Please-" Naib choked out "Stay with me- Don't leave me please."
Eli took his hand off his lovers face, bringing it to rest on Naib's scarred hands.
"It's okay, my love."
He smiled sweetly in the face of death and closed his eyes for the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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