Your birth month decides what part of your dragon's body has the disability
January- Tail
February- Scales
March (mine)- Snout
April- Left arm
May- Right arm
June- Left leg
July- Right leg
August- Talons
September- Horns
October- Eyes
November- Wings
December- EarsYour birth day decides what happened to it (if you get anything strange, like a paralyzed eye just choose XD)
1- Infection
2- Broken
3- Disease
4- Missing
5- Scarred
6- Fragile
7- Paralyzed
8- Missing
9 (mine)- Infection
10- Scarred
11- Disease
12- Paralyzed
13- Fragile
14- Broken
15- Paralyzed
16- Broken
17- Scarred
18- Disease
19- Infection
20- Missing
21- Fragile
22- Scarred
23- Infection
24- Fragile
25- Paralyzed
26- Broken
27- Missing
28- Disease
29- Broken
30- Paralyzed
31- DiseaseMy dragon has a snout infection :>