A not so calm evening

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"Pay attention before you fall over again y/n,we don't have time to just wait around for you or we won't find anywhere to stay for over the winter " Bradley commanded. He was right though,as the cruel cold winter slowly crept in and with us loosing more daylight each day ,being outside walking was becoming more and more daunting.

You see thats just the way we lived our lives,or should I say after life,we're cursed to remain on this earth long after we have passed.I guess in many ways we're more lucky than most,not trapped to any certain location but free to explore to escape our boredom .

"Y/N HURRY UP IM GETTING COLD!!!" Edward Cried out, since ghost don't really get cold he was clearly just being dramatic ,which I suppose was quite in his nature to. Even after all these years he was still the annoying and stuck up french nobleman he was when he died.

I tried to catch up to where they were which to my annoyance was now an even larger distance away then it was earlier , it had always bothered me that the only time Bradley and Edward seem to notice me was when it effected them. Atleast Christopher seemed to notice me , mostly because the kid was normally in two,his legs being miles away and his upper half lying on the floor.

"LOOK LOOK I SEE A HOUSE OVER THERE !" Chris excitedly exclaimed,the poor kid looked so tired yet a burst of energy and hope to have somewhere to rest threw him back into his usual loud self.

As I turned the corner and caught up to the other I was confused to see them standing there in awe only to look up and almost jump back in shock. The house was massive,certainly not what we were expecting when Chris had called out , just the idea of living in this place made all this walking worth it .

Gorgeous,detailed and simply wonderfully could even do this place justice , to think of what must have gone into building a place so intricate left me baffled and silent in thought only to be abruptly interrupted by Bradley cautiously warning us that we may be stepping onto inhabited lands (although the place plants covering the premise seemed to hint at its abandonment )"All of you keep an eye out for other and stay behind me,we may be stepping into the home of some... unwelcoming people "

We did as he ordered though not without Edward groaning out of frustration, just wanting get inside quicker.

Alison View

Warming up comfortably after being out in the garden all day trying to remove a broken tree out of the way certainly felt well deserved , each day passing the weather had only gotten worse , almost leading to being block into the house. I was so done with winter and all its terrible weather ,with Christmas just around the corner I just wanted to sleep untill it was all over , or atleast be granted some peace for once.

laughing coming from Mike likely at my makeshift fort that I had made broke me from my dreams of warmer weather, this kindom of blankets was my attempt at staying warm and yet it only took mike opening the door and wandering over to the fort to realise it wasnt working very well.

We both sat there , huddled and for once were finally alone , no ghost or problems just sweet silence.

"This is alot of fun , I think we should make these more often , mabye at our next sleepover!" I flinched at the sudden appearance of kitty ,who had been behind us for who knows how long. Me almost jumping out of my skin hadnt remained unnoticed by mike , who asked the ghost to leave , not knowing he was looking in the completely wrong direction.

There goes my peace and quiet.

Hoisting myslef up , I knew too well that this yard work needed to be done before night fall , and with only a hour till then i begrudgingly got back to work.

Skip to about an hour later

At last , the garden work was done , atleast enough to actually be able to step out of the door.Treating myself to a well deserved coffee break , Iwas finally alone again and enjoying the calmness the kitchen ... until multiple panicked voices burst out with them eventually getting louder as they approached the kitchen. This is the last thing I need right now.

" Code silver , There are intruders walking around outside , we must think fast and efficiently take down this possibly armed threat " captain called out,yet as he entered the kitchen his panicked facial expressions sabotaged any attemp at him seeming calm.

"Let's not jump to conclusions , mabye they're lost and need help , we should go and greet them" pat countered captains mindset , with any other arguments between the two being talked over by everyone else as panic and confusion spread . I'm not in the mood for this.

Walking straight past all the ghost , I headed out to find Mike to no evail , even with the ghost quieting down I still could even hear where mike could be. The pleads of the ghosts telling me to be safe followed me around the house ,yet stopping as I stopped in my tracks,right at the window.

They weren't lying ,  as clear as day there were four figures hiding almost comically bad behind one of fallen tree's , I was panicking internally but trying my best to seem unfased. I knew that showing fear would not only worry the ghosts further but make my presence evident to the mystery people hiding , I didnt really want a repeat of last times break in , yet as two arms wrapped around me I almost screamed only to realise it was mike.

"What are you looking at ?" Clearly noticing the look of panic on my face, obviously quite concerned.

"Mike I think someone's trying to break into the house , they're behind that tree , scoping out the house!"

"Uhhh... im not really seeing anyone , mabye it's just your eyes playing tricks on you , it is pretty dark out and we've had a very long and tired day" which was met by a frustrating uproar from the ghosts who like me could definitely see them .

Then the daunting realisation hit me , these random people hidden from us... were ghosts .

There goes any idea of a calm evening.

Authors Note

I really hope you've enjoyed this first chapter , as you can see I've recently update it after a long hiatus,  sadly how it normally goes when it comes to me being creative. I plan to change up the story a little since I've changed both writing style and overall plot ideas , ill try be more active but again I can't make promises , thank you and goodbye!

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