chapter 1

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Aven had just arrived at fags peak academy. The elite school for high school students with above-average talents, which was also exclusive to fags. Aven sighed, overwhelmed at being so close to their future. She could see it now: Aven , the super high school level jewelry designer who makes the gay earrings. With a smile, she walked through the door when... all of a sudden...


    Aven woke up in an empty classroom, head pounding. She looked down at the desk she had been slumped over in, waiting for their eyes to adjust to the light and refocus. Eventually, she got up, noting the window which had been boarded up with metal plates and bolts. Walking out of the classroom, they scanned the hallways. All empty. A click came from above, and the speakers crackled to life.

    "Pi-ka-ka-ka-ka! All students report to the gymnasium for a mandatory assembly! Immediately!"

    Shit. Aven had no clue where the gym was. Well, there's a first time for everything.


    Finding the gym was surprisingly easy. Now, she was standing by herself in the back of the gym, surrounded by about 13 other kids. You could tell that this was an elite school because the kids in the room made for an eccentric-looking bunch. Three kids approached Aven, the first was a scene kid by the looks of it, and behind them was a feminine looking boy with a "Virginity 2020" sweatshirt and clout goggles. The last was a... girl? Maybe he was a crossdresser?

    "Hey, I'm Skylar!", they said, holding out his hand with two fingers pointed at Aven, like a peace sign. Aven waved, confused.

    "No, do this," he said, moving his hand a bit. Aven copied the gesture, and Skylar pressed their fingertips together. They made another symbol with their fingers, half of a heart, then their whole hand, and then they interlocked their fingers. Skylar grabbed a kandi bracelet from their arm, and pulled it off of their wrist and onto Aven's.

    "We're friends now! So we gotta stick together and figure out what's going on here..."

    Aven looked past Skylar to the kid who was crossdressing. He noticed her gaze and introduced himself.

    "You can call me Kaplan, fag," Aven was taken aback by the random use of a slur, but, then again, they were attending a school called Fags Peak Academy. Aven decided to look past it. Kaplan had a certain vibe to him, like he could break out at any moment. Not break out of the school, just a... dangerous vibe. Definitely not one you'd typically expect from a guy in a skirt. Kaplan turned to the other boy, saying "Don't be a jew, introduce yourself.". She blushed and waved at Aven.

    "I'm Tanner, I'm the Ultimate Femboy Enthusiast." Ah. That explains the way she was looking at Kaplan, he probably has a crush on him.

    'Um, Kaplan is the Ultimate Crossdresser, as you can tell, and Skylar is the Ultimate Kandi Kid." Skylar gave a "Yep!," and Kaplan nodded in agreement.

    "And your name is...?" Kaplan asked.

    "Aven , Ultimate Jewelry Designer"

    "Right, Aven , did you wake up in an empty classroom too?'' he picked up.

    "Yeah. I passed other rooms on my way here but they were all empty."

    "So we all had the same experience getting here" Tanner remarked. Their mini investigation was interrupted by a loud argument coming from across the room.

    "What you just said doesn't even make any sense you idiot!" a girl's voice cut through the gymnasium.

    A guy's voice this time, shot back, "Maybe not to you! You knoweth, that's like thats like looking at only the 1940s and judging humans and saying they are nazis without looking at today"

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