Chapter 1: Red's Embark

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Before the lasting darkness, and the thoughts... or, dreams of using a Charmander... I felt myself regain consciousness. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the sudden brightness of the morning sun that woke me up from the slight crevasse of the window that the curtains didn't cover. My alarm clock, a Bulbasaur themed one, was just about to hit the alarm. 6:59... 7:00.

Tapping on it lightly, I brushed my hair to my side with my hand, and began to rub the sleep from my eyes. Today was the day that I finally hit the age of 10.

"Another morning!" I stretched, followed by a yawn as I held my back and attempted to stretch that too. I pulled away the covers and slipped my feet into the slippers that my Mum bought me a while ago. It was a nice deed, but the slippers are starting to... slip away from my feet. Teehee.

Walking over to the curtains, I let my eyes adjust a little more before I fully opened the windows. Clear skies, no clouds and I've already spotted a flock of Spearow.

Well, I didn't want to waste time. I was urging to go, but I had to do what I usually do which will become weirder after today. I rushed downstairs to see my Mum. As per usual, she was preparing me breakfast. But on my birthdays, she usually gives me a whole meal. But she seemed to be more conservative about what I eat this time.

"Goodmorning Red!"

"Goodmorning Mum, what did you make me this time?"

"Oh you and your food! Happy birthday first of all!"

She came over to me and gave me a tight hug. Ofcourse, I hugged back. I loved my Mum to bits and wouldn't replace her for anything or anyone.

"I wanted to give you a little present before you went off to your grand adventure!"

"Hehe... I'll come back Mum, I promise..."

I held her pinky. Her hand was much bigger than mine, which put me in place. I'm so young, and I have so many years ahead of me... to think I'm already leaving- it's just... I have to learn so much.

"Deary, you just focus on having fun. Okay? Make sure you keep in contact with me, okay?"

She was clearly saddened over the idea of not seeing her son again. Honestly, it broke my heart too, but this is something that she must've went through when she was younger too.

"Don't worry Mum. I'll call you every week!"

"That's my boy... now, I made you your favourite chocolate toast! This should keep you going for a few hours so make sure you bring some packed lunch too, I made some in the fridge."

"I'll be sure to Mum! So, what present did you get me?"

"Breakfast first young man!"

"Okay, okay!"

I quickly began eating without a second thought. The moment I started eating it, it began to hit me that after my packed lunch- it'll be my last meal from Mum for a while.

It didn't take me long to finish up. The moment I had my last bites- my mum suddenly came with a bag.

"Here's your present Red!"


It was a set of clothes. But not just any old set of course. A black shirt, blue jeans, a red jacket and a red hat. It was a nice outfit to go out in, and she even bought a few sets of it. But more importantly...

Red obtained a Pokèbelt!
Red obtained a Bag!
Red obtained an ID!
Red obtained settings!(?)

. . .

Red set the text speed to fast.

. . .

"Thanks Mum, this'll be handy."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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