_Chapter 2_

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Theo's POV
Shai's water broke last night in the bed. She has been in labor for the past 3 hours. The doctor keeps coming in, looking at her vagina. Shai wanted me to wait for a proper time in the morning to call Kendra. She had her kids 2 months ago.
Anyways, she is fully dilated, at least that's what the doctor says. That means she is about to give birth. I changed into scrubs and got my camera ready as they prepped her for deliver. I'm going to be a father. I turn in the camera and point it at Shai.
"Get the goddamn camera away from me THEODORE!" she yells. She is sweaty and red, but beautiful because she is about to have my baby. My baby. I swear. If Shai ever left me for Will or Nahko, I be lost in life. I'm lucky to have her. "THEO I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T GET THAT GODDAMN CAMERA AWAY FROM ME. I'LL GET UP AND KICK YOUR ASS!"
"Shai, love I want to get all of this as a memory."
"I hate you. I fucking hate you." She say. Then she screams in pain. Then doctors say it's time. so I give Shai one of my hands. Then I hold the camera with the other. During the deliver she screamed at my and I'm pretty sure cut if the circulation in my hand.
"She's crowning!" a doctor yells.
"Okay Shai. One more big push."
"I can't. I can't do it." Shai says.
" You can do it. I love you Shai. You can bring our baby in this world. You are strong and beautiful. Just one more." I say.
"Just one more" Shai chants, then starts pushing. "Ahhhhhhh!" she yells.
"THE BABY IS OUT !" The doctor yells.
"IT'S A ****!"

Sheo: PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now