"Why do I keep coming back for you?"

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     Once again you wake up, but this time you are in a room, on a bed. The room was slightly messy, a small pile of clothes shoved under the bed. There was a nightstand next to you, and overall it seemed like a nice room.

     'How did I get in here?' You thought.

     Your thoughts were interrupted as a knock came from your door. Before you could answer, a familiar voice called out.

     "(Y/n)! I'm comin' in, since you're probably still knocked out. Geez, you really can't handle anything in this world, can you?" He entered the room with a tray of cookies and a cup of tea. You decided to pretend you were asleep, as you were curious to see what he'd do.

     After setting down the tray, he sat next to you on the bed. Since you were closing your eyes, you could only hear him.

     "Hmmm. Why'd I even take you here? I should've left you, William-Senpai will yell at me. Heh. But, you ARE pretty cute, I'll give you that," he muttered. You felt someone brushing your hair out if your face. Uh-oh. Now he could see you, and you knew he'd find out you were awake.


     "I wish we could be something. Its funny, cause you don't know who i am, while I practically know everything about you. You grew up with that Kana, etc.... But I wasn't really interested in her... More like I wanted to get to know you." You blushed really hard at that. Since his hand was now resting on your cheek, he felt them heat up.

     You pretended to stir, and sat up, rubbing your eyes. Ronald was too off guard to move, and sat there on the bed next to you. He didn't think you'd get up for at least another hour.

     "Hi," you said 'groggily' (wink wink). He just stared at you, his face red. 'Hmm,' you thought. 'Not so cocky now, huh?'

     "H-hey! Ummm, so you... Hold on!" He dashed out of the room, leaving you speechless. He was sorta cute when he wasn't all cocky, but then again he was cute either way.

     'Wait, what the hell! He's not cute! I don't even know him for God's sake....' You thought.

     Suddenly, he burst in the door, looking exactly the same.

     "Whassup, doll? Had ta' make an entrance, ya know? " he strolled over to the bed. "So yeah, this is my place. I brought ya here 'cause you were just on the ground like that, sooo..." he trailed off.

     "Thank you," you said. "But, what's going on? I promise I won't faint this time."

     "Alright, I'll tell you," he said. He then proceeded to tell you about how he was part of the Shinigami Dispatch Society, and how Kana was scheduled to die. He repeated multiple times that he didn't kill her, he just needed to 'finish stuff up'. He also told you that you were welcome to stay with him till you found a place to stay.

     See, you didn't have parents anymore (they got in an accident) so you had been staying with Kana all these years. But now that Kana was gone...

     Ronald smiled at you.

     "T-thank you... Ronald, right?" You asked.

     "Right. Hey, since you don't exactly seem to have anything else to do, wanna work with me?" He asked excitedly.

     "Like, as a Shinigami?" You asked. "Don't you have to be.. You know... Not.. Normal?" You asked

     He chuckled. "Naw, I'll talk to William-Senpai.... But if he said yes, would you wanna? I could totally be your Senpai!"

     "Sure!" You smiled. What had you gotten yourself into?

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