How You Met #1

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Key: y/n = your name e/c = eye color h/c = hair color 

Wolverine's Daughter: Wolverine was on a mission to find and rescue an experimental mutant that apparently had powers just like him. Logan and little idea what to expect and he certainly wasn't expecting a crying baby on a table surrounded by scientists with syringes. He sliced all of the bad guys and picked you up. As soon as Logan carried you up you stopped crying. Logan took you back to the school, his mission a success.

Tony Stark's Daughter: One day Tony was working in the lab when FRIDAY said "Boss, a woman named Sonya Romero dropped off a package at the front door. It's showing signs of life." Tony thinks "Signs of life? That's weird. Sonya Romero? That sounds familiar." FRIDAY continues" It's crying. Boss, I think it's a baby." Tony thinks "A baby? What?" Tony says to FRIDAY "Alright, I'll go check it out." Sure enough, Tony found you, a baby, in a box, crying your little eyes out. Tony takes you inside quickly before anyone can see. He then asked FRIDAY "Who's Sonya Romero FRIDAY? Also who's this?" FRIDAY says "Sonya Romero. Gender: Female. Occupation: HYDRA agent. She's one of you one night stands boss. That's her daughter. Y/N Romero." Tony frowns down at you and says" HYDRA agent?" He looks at your e/c eyes and smiles gently, "Uh-oh. Mommy's a bad guy. I guess I've got to keep you now. I need adoption papers." 

Steve Roger's Daughter: Steve Rogers was walking home, after having dinner at his favorite diner. He was passing a dark alleyway when he heard a sneeze. He backed up looking for the source of the sound. Again, he hears a sneeze. Walking deeper into the alleyway he looks around. Finally, he find the cause of the noise. A box with something in it. Steve picked up the box and peered inside. There you were a small, freezing child with your soft pink blanket. Steve thought 'Who would ever leave a small child on it's own. It's probably a girl'. He picked up the box and proceeded to continue walking home with the box in his arm. 'I need to call Tony' Steve thinks to himself.

Natasha Romanoff's Daughter: Natasha was reading quietly in her small house that she had. The doorbell rang snapping Natasha out of her short-lived peace. Natasha cautiously looked out the window before opening the door. Nobody was there. So Natasha gently, and slowly opened the door. Looking around she saw no one. She stepped out cautiously but stopped when her feet hit something. Looking down Natasha saw a box with a baby in it and a note. She frowned and picked up the note. The note said, "Dear whomever lives in this house, this girl cannot live with us anymore. It is too dangerous. My husband is abusive and an alcoholic. While I can live with this I cannot let my daughter live in these conditions. Please take her, and take care of her. I love her very much. Her name is Y/N. Thank you." Natasha looked at you sadly, picked you up and took you inside. She was going to need some adoption papers.

Bruce Banner's Daughter: Bruce Banner was walking home from work when he heard a cry from a alleyway. Behind a dumpster there was a frail woman with e/c pained eyes and h/c matted hair. The woman said, "I'm about to give birth." Bruce bent down and helped the woman with labor whispering gentle word of encouragement to her. Finally, the woman pushed through. The woman started to nod out so Bruce said, "Stay with me." The woman whispered weakly, "I can't. Take care of her. Her name is..........Y/N." Bruce shouted at the woman to stay awake but it was in vain. The lady was dead. Bruce looked at you sadly. You were a quiet one with h/c hair like your mama. He whispered "I guess your mine now. I need adoption papers." he wrapped you up in his coat and hurriedly took you back to his apartment.

Deadpool's Daughter: Deadpool a.k.a. Wade Wilson was on a mission k-wording bad guys. He just k-worded a lady when he heard crying. Sitting on the table there was a baby girl. "Aw poor baby. I'll take you home. I could use a prankster buddy." And with that he picked you up and took you back to his home. 

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