How You Met #2

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Bucky Barnes's Daughter: Bucky was on a mission with the rest of the Avengers when they came across a baby girl. She was on an experiment table. Tony asked, "What is it?" Something popped up in Bucky's mind, a memory. "She's a HYDRA experiment" Bucky suddenly replied. "A weapon that they were gonna use for mass destruction." Tony looked at you, tickled your chin and said, "This cutie? No way." Suddenly you sneezed creating a forcefield which sent Tony into the wall. Tony said, "Never mind. Not cute. She's going to the orphanage." Bucky said, "I remember her. I want to keep her." Everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

Clint Barton's Daughter: It was one rainy night when Clint looked out the window and said to his wife, Laura Barton, "It's raining cats and dogs out there honey." Laura nodded agreeing with her husband. Clint was still looking outside of the window when he swore he saw something move on the porch. Clint said, "I see something, out there on the porch." Laura replied, "Oh yeah? Go check it out. I don't think I left anything out there." Clint put on his rain jacket and cautiously went out and found you, a cold, hungry little thing. Clint hurriedly picked you up and put you back in the house. Clint called to his wife, "Laura c'mere. It's a baby girl! A baby girl was on our porch!" Laura hurried over. This was only the start of their very long journey of parenthood (you are the eldest Barton child by 2 years). 

Professor X's Daughter: The Professor was in his office working when one of his students barged into his office exclaiming, "Professor! Something was found at the front of the school!" The Professor hurried to the entrance of the school where a small crowd has gathered. The Professor (I love calling superheroes by their superhero names it's so cool) dismissed the crowd of students. Logan said, "It's a mutant girl. We found her left at the door of the school." Now what are they going to do with you...................................................

Peter Quill's Daughter: You were always his from Gamora and you were born looking just like him with no powers.

Fury's Daughter:  One day S.H.I.E.L.D. had found out that there was a HYDRA orphanage where HYDRA had taken control of an orphanage. Fury was there assessing the situation. There was many children all looks and ages. All of them were sad and scared. The scene was pulling at Fury's heartstrings but he had to remain strong. He was walking over to his Agent Maria Hill who had a small baby girl in her arms. Agent Maria Hill briefly told him about the situation. Fury then gestured to the girl in her arms and asked, "Why's their a kid in your arms?" She replied, "She's the youngest of the bunch, only 8 months. She's the only one that can't take care of herself." Fury wasn't really sure about what got into him but he said, "I'll adopt her." 

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