universal destruction

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Sora and the gang are doing a lot of training because everybody on the team sees how strong their Captain is so since they see how strong sora is they use Sora as a goal so they can be able to get as strong as him but they're training but while they are training they sense two strong fighters coming their way so they prepare for battle and as these two fighters appear these two fighters are seen wearing the same mask and look human but the only difference is they have animal like ears and animal like tails. Saki: they kind of look like toppu. Sky: now that you mention it they really do. Sora: something is not sitting right with me hey why are you guys here. Mask Man 1: we're after the one who goes by Sora. Mask Man 2: just do what we tell you and come with us safely but if you refuse to come with us then we'll have no choice but to take you by force rather you like it or not. Sora: that's kind of a bold claim to make you guys are nowhere near my level but yet you guys talk like you are. Mask man 2: Oh we know where nowhere near your that's exactly why we have a plan to make you come with us rather you like it or not. Sora: pfft whatever we'll see. So as they're done talking two of the masked men come charging at sora ready to attack with swords but Sora easily grabs both of the swords and as Sora grabs both the swords they try kicking him but sora jumps in the air and kicks both of them back they fly back and they recover so they try to charge towards him again so they could punch him but Sora grabs both of their fists and he throws in the air then sora knocks them down one by one sora's up in the air and as both of the masks men are down on the ground they do something that catches sora off guard they throw down smoke bombs and they end up kidnapping a member from the group so when they do that when they fly off sora See's who they kidnapped they had kidnapped toppu and knowing the relationship between these two sora instantly gets heated and chase after them but one of the mask men is keeping him back so they're getting away sora and the rest of sora's team follows them and as they're following them they enter into space and a couple of minutes go by and now they follow them onto a planet there on this planet and this planet is nothing but a wasteland but they don't care because they're trying to catch up with the two men so as they're flying one of the men throw something at them to blind them temporarily and they get blinded and they end up getting away and after a couple of minutes there eyesight returns and sora is pissed. Sora: GOD DAMN IT HOW DID I LET THEM GET AWAY I SWEAR THEY'RE GOING TO PAY. Benson: Sora calm down we're going to find a way to find her don't worry. Sora: Benson how about you shut the hell up you know what if you guys are not going to help me I'm going to find her my damn self. Sky: wait sora what the hell are you doing. Sora: SHUT THE FUCK UP. Sky: god dammit you get on my fucking nerves. Benson: sora gon get enough of talking to me like that. So as sora tries looking for them he feels something trying to connect with him telepathically and to his surprise it's toppu and as she connects with him  telepathically she tells him where she's at but for some reason while they're linked together telepathically Sora is seeing things and Sora is seeing the memories of toppu and sora is confused until she tells him that these memories that he seen are from her past and her past memories that she's having are about her father but sora looks at these memories she's having he starts to get angry and angry because he sees how abusive her father was and when she tells him that this is all her father's doing sora cuts off the telepathic link and instantly heads over there at full speed meanwhile back at a palace toppu is guarded by multiple people so she won't escape and she's chained down and while this is happening she sees her father for the first time in a long time. Toppu's father: well if it isn't my daughter how are you doing this time around. Toppu: don't you dare even think about calling me your daughter after all the things you've done to me don't you even dare I can't stand to look at you why have you even done this anyway you scumbag. Guard: HEY YOU WATCH HOW YOU SPEAK TO KING RAIU. raiu: calm down and daughter no need to be upset you know I wouldn't have to kidnap you if that stupid boyfriend of yours would have just came to me. Toppu: what do you mean how do you even know about my sora and how do you know we're even in a relationship. Raiu: Toppu my daughter well when I sold you to the humans I've always had a really small camera always following you without you knowing and that camera showed me everything you did and every person you've ever met at first your life wasn't really interesting but once that boy Sora or should I say demon child came into your life my eyes instantly went to him you see you don't know the true potential of this boy he is one of the legendary Shadow demons and you would have to be almost over 50 million years old to have seen a shadow demon you don't understand he is the first ever Shadow Demon that has ever been seen in over 50 million years And he hasn't just been seen by the human race but ever since that fight you guys had with that legendary ice demon frost the entire galaxy knows of this Shadow demon's existence and on top of that he's the son of the Demon King and anyone over a millennium old has either heard of Prince sora or have seen him but now Prince sora's entire existence has been nothing but a fairy tale up until now which makes his power more interesting. Toppu: ok you listen here old man if you even think about I mean if you even think about laying a single finger on my sora if you even so much is look at my love the wrong way I will kill you. Raiu: WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU SPEAKING TO GIRL I'M YOUR DAMN FATHER YOU WILL SHOW ME SOME RESPECT. Raiu slaps his daughter but toppu is not fazed by The slap because she looks at him and smirks and she says. Toppu: you know if sora we're here that right hand you use to slap me would have been instantly decapitated in seconds if sora saw that you did that to me. Raiu: SHUT IT YOU BITCH "Slap his daughter again". Toppu: you know what I don't need sora if I weren't in these damn chains I'll kill you myself. Raiu: SHUT THE HELL UP. He gets ready to slap her a third time but before he even gets to touch her sora comes out of nowhere and he grabs raiu by the face and he throws him to the wall. Sora: now what the hell do you think you're doing raising your hand at my woman like that. Raiu: you finally came demon child. Sora: answer the question. Raiu: I didn't even have to get up myself and force you to come to me you just came to me I thank you. Sora: I SAID ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING RAISING YOUR HAND AT MY WOMAN LIKE THAT. raiu: what I do to my daughter has nothing to do with you demon child. Sora: you listen here you're really pushing your luck and you're starting to piss me the hell off so I'm going to ask you again WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING RAISING YOUR HAND AT MY WOMAN LIKE THAT. raiu: and I said what I do to my daughter has nothing to do with you demon child. Sora: that's it you're through. Sora instantly charges at him and punches him in the gut making him cough up blood now he's on the floor and sora picks him up by the shirt and throws him through the wall so now they're outside and they start fighting and sora instantly gains the upper hand and while this is going on back in the palace sora's teammates are now in the palace because they felt soras energy so they followed it and they already defeated the guards and freed Toppu from her chains so after that happens they go outside to see the fight and when I go outside they see sora absolutely destroying raiu so as sora and raiu are fighting raiu decides to bring out his full-power so he does that and now raiu can keep up with him for about a good 10 minutes but he end up slowing down and he's not keeping up with sora anymore so raiu starts to get mad so he decides to charge up a energy bomb in his hands. Raiu: YOU'VE MADE ME ANGRY DEMON CHILD I KNOW YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SURVIVE THIS BUT I KNOW YOUR FRIENDS AND YOU'RE SO CALLED LOVER WON'T BE ABLE TO SO NOW SINCE YOU'VE MADE ME ANGRY YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVER IS GOING TO BECOME SPACE DUST ALONG WITH THIS PLANET I ALREADY HAVE MY MEN OUTER SPACE BECAUSE I HAVE SOMETHING PLANNED FOR YOU SO SAY BYE BYE TO THE ENTIRETY OF THIS PLANET. Sora: you better not. raiu. Well it's too damn late. Sora: SKY USE THE TELEPORTATION TECHNIQUE RIGHT NOW. Sky I GOT YOU. So as that happens raiu decides to throw the bomb down and it blows up the entire planet soras teammates have already teleported away from the planetary explosion but Sora and raiu are caught in the midst of it but right after the planetary explosion they survived because they both have high level durability so as the dust starts to clear up sora see something and it's big it looks like a big Canon weapon and it is right by raiu and his men. Raiu: throughout the last three years I've been developing things and one invention I've develop that I have in my hand right now it's called energy zapper and this weapon zaps the energy away from anybody it shoots his beam at and the energy instantly is transmuted to me this is how I've gotten this powerful it's because for the last three years I've zapped energy from people and this big weapon that I have right here is called the universal canon this thing it's just like the energy zapper but it's zapps way all of the energy away from every living thing in the universe and I had gathered enough energy to do that but it's not what I desired this Canon can go even further this canon can reach across other universes making the Canon the multiversal cannon. But I need your energy demon child because not only you have a power deep inside of you that can destroy almost 5,000 and etc universes in a second which will make this canon powerful I'm still going to have enough of your energy left for myself to make me the strongest across the universes. Sora: well am not going to let you do that. Raiu: okay we'll see but I need the extra power who are we going to start with oh yes I'm going to start with my men. Raiu why you decides to absorb all of the energy from his men and he successfully do that. Sora: you still do not have enough power to defeat me but anyways let's get this over with. Benson: sora you stay back I think it's about time for us to do something for a change. Sora: well go ahead knock yourself out. Raiu: I'm not interested in you guys I'm interested in the demon child. Benson: I mean you're looking at a demon child right now dumbass you know what I'm tired of you talking it's time for me to shut you up. Sky: benson be careful we'll be here to back you up if you need it. Benson: thanks. Benson gets ready to fight and charges at raiu and he throws a right hook but raiu Dodges the right hook and throws a punch Benson's way but Benson grabs his sword and shields himself making him punch the sword so after that Benson flies back and charges up an attack. Benson: LIGHTSPEED 100 SLICES COMBO. Benson charges towards him at lightspeed and performs the combo and him some with it and the Benson slices him in half decapitating his body for raiu to reattach his body and say. Raiu: oh I forgot to mention I was never a fighter I was always a scientist so that's not going to work. Benson: GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. Raiu flies towards Benson and he shoots him with the energy zapper and zapps Bensons energy away then raiu decides to summon a weapon and summons a sword and cuts Benson down and he's ready to jump in but Sky moves in front of Sora and says don't worry I got this. Sky: Sky pulls out his samurai sword and charges at Raiu now it's a big sword fight between sky and Ryu and it goes on for about 20 minutes and as sky gained the upper hand raiu shoot him with the energy zapper zapping skys energy away and he cuts him down and right after he cuts him down raiu grab sky by the neck and he starts torturing him ichi and saki are getting ready to hop in toppu is was sitting there frightened and scared because she sees her father that was once a scientist turned into a dangerous enemy that she knows she won't be able to beat and she knows if he zaps anymore energy it's over for everyone and Sora is getting pissed off. Sora: GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF SKY RIGHT NOW. Then where you get to done torturing sky and he drops him and when Sora looks at Sky his eyes looks lifeless sora goes to sky and he grabs him and he decides to check if he's still alive and when he checks sky is dead his heart is slowing down and sora is not really getting any signs of brain activity sora starts to get mad and he breaks down in tears and then sora starts to unleash his rage and sora transforming into his demon form but as the tattoos are spreading across his body sora feels a sharp pain throughout his body so he starts the yelling in agony and Toppu sees this and she rushes to him and she holds him tight and says toppu: oh no his rage is taking over he's in pain don't worry it's going to be okay. Toppu hugs him while he's screaming in agony but while all this was happening raiu already taken care of ichi and saki and he's more stronger than ever. And he sees sora and go towards him but Toppu flies in front of him to protect sora raiu slaps her out the way and tells her the move but she continuously comes back to protect Sora but she's continually being slapped away so as he tries to absorbs sora energy toppu gets in front of the being and she gets her energy absorbed now toppu  it feels weak but toppu refused to give up she stands on her feet while weaken and stands in his way so as he was going to just kill her sora comes out of nowhere and grabs his hand and while he does that raiu absorb soras energy and he succeeds and raiu gets stronger but the only energy that he absorbed was his normal energy he didn't absorb his demon energy so Sora remains unaffected so sora starts to beat the living hell out of raiu and Toppu sees this but she's scared and she's crying because she just wants this to end and she's trying to really figure out if the person that's brutally beating up her father really is Sora so she's yelling for him to stop but sora is too deep into his rage he doesn't hear a single word sora has gone berserk and he continuously beats the life of raiu while destroying asteroids stars and planets around him Sora has wiped out about 12 star systems during his rampage and the number continuously goes up but riu finally got a chance to escape and what he does is he tries to use the the cannon that will absorb everything in the universe and he does that and everything in the universe end up going out but sora is still in a berserk mindset so Sora pours his power into one energy beam and this energy beam is going to destroy the universe if sora does not snap out of it but Sora is still in a berserk mine state and his rage is getting bigger and bigger to the point where it can't be controlled anymore but does does not realize that if he does this everything and everyone he loves will be gone but he's too deep into his rage he fires the beam and it end up ripping a hole in time and space Sora is tearing apart the universe just by his raw energy and sora continuously shoots universal energy beams but while this is going on sky gains consciousness and he grabs everybody including toppu and teleports out the universal destruction but Sky teleports back and he yells out sore his name telling him that he's all right I'm not Dead so sora turns around and looks and he starts to calm down and so realize what he did and he sees that his mind was so much in berserk mode he didn't realize he was ripping a hole in time and space almost destroying the universe but the hole end stuff closing and the universe is safe but every bit of energy in the universe is gone because raiu zapped it all away so Sora goes towards him and knowing raiu is still no match for him he goes for the finishing blow and he instantly kills him but when he kills him all of the energy that he absorbed went back into the universe given the universe back its power again and now everyone and Sora and the gang is safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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