Love Story (OOT! Link x Gerudo! Reader)

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Love Story (OOT! Link x Gerudo! Reader)

There will be a part 2!

Your Pov:

I wandered through Hyrule Field, breathing in the crisp air and taking in the bright blue sky. In the desert, it's too hot to walk for long periods of time. My mother was a Gerudo while my father was a Hylian. But I didn't resemble my mother that much. She would buy my clothes in shades of blue or green like that of Lake Hylia or the lost woods. Today I was in blue.

(Without the headband or necklace)

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(Without the headband or necklace)

I also wore a pair of silver fingerless gloves. I could never go outside without them. On my hand, a half piece of a triangle is imprinted. The Gerudo have a prophecy about it.

The Gerudo woman born with a half triangle on her hand is to be queen to the next Gerudo king. This woman is supposedly linked to the triforce, making her powerful. She is to marry the king and birth an even more powerful heir.

No one besides my mother and I, know about my mark. She hid it so that I wouldn't be forced into a marriage with that man. Only a select few members of the tribe and I dislike Ganondorf, including my mother.

I would never marry him.

I stopped walking when I spotted a beautiful horse grazing a few yards away. I hesitantly approached, not wanting to scare it off. I stopped a few feet away. The horse stared at me. It took a few steps towards me, nudging my hand with it's snout. I smiled and pet it gently. There was a blanket and a saddle on it's back, but it wasn't a guard's. I could tell by the lack of the royal insignia. I stopped petting the horse and walked to it's side.

I put my foot in one of the holds and waited. The horse didn't move. I slowly put my other leg over and sat on the saddle. There was an engraving on it.


I pet the horse's mane, "Epona? Is that your name?" The mare whinnied. I smiled, "I'll take that as a yes." I gently squeezed her sides and clicked my tongue. She started to trot. I decided to test the waters and see if she knew trick riding. My mother had taught me from a young age. I carefully stood on the saddle. Epona continued to trot. We did a few circles before I sat down again. Suddenly, the sound of an ocarina filled the air.

Epona stopped trotting and looked back at me. I petted her, "Go on, girl." She moved towards the sound. After a few minutes, I could see Castle Town. And in front of the drawbridge, stood a boy in a green tunic.

(Ganon hasn't taken over yet! Like Zelda and Impa have fled but nothing else has happened yet.)

She stopped right in front of the boy. He was rather cute. Blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and fair skin. I quickly got off Epona, "I'm sorry. I didn't know she belonged to someone! I just found her out in the field." The boy looked at me, "It's alright. It's just...she's very picky with the people she likes." Epona whinnied, her snout nudging my back. I jumped slightly.

He continued, "Are you a Gerudo? I don't mean to offend but..." I nodded, "Yes. I'm just taking a walk. I mean no harm if that's what you're thinking." He hesitated, "...You're very beautiful for a Gerudo." His ears were tipped in a red blush. I smiled, "Well, you're not so bad yourself." He spoke, "I'm Link." I tried to calm my blush, "I'm (Y/n)."

He dug around in his satchel for a moment before pulling out something. A pretty flower.

He pushed the stem gently behind my ear, resting the flower in my hair, "There

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He pushed the stem gently behind my ear, resting the flower in my hair, "There. A beautiful flower for a beautiful woman." I blushed, "Thank you, Link." I kissed his cheek, "I have to go but meet me here tomorrow!" I turned and rushed off through the field to get back home.

Once I arrived, I found my mother in the kitchen. She smiled at me, "You look happy today." I blushed slightly. She smiled even wider, "And you have a flower in your hair. Did you meet a boy?" I nodded, "Y-Yes..." She looked at me, "You're growing up...But you must go get ready." I tilted my head, "For what?" She gestured outside, "Our king is coming tonight. Hurry. I left an outfit out for you."

I nodded, "Ok. I'll go get ready then." On the way back to my room, I couldn't help but brush the flower in my hair.

I couldn't wait to see Link tomorrow...

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