Chapter 13

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A New Man

The rest of Millie's birthday passed amazingly, getting drinks at The Three Broomsticks, having a snowball fight outside after taking everything they'd gotten from Hogsmeade back to their rooms and playing several rounds of Exploding Snap before heading to bed. The only part of the day that brought her down was Fred and George still ignoring her, not even giving her a smile. Millie was especially hurt because she didn't think George had any real reason to be angry with her.

The Monday after Millie's birthday she was heading down to the Great Hall to study with Hermione- even during Winter Break they did study hall to ensure that all the students were doing their homework over break- but dragging her feet because she really did not want to have to be in the same area as the twins, since the fourth through sixth years have study hall together.

"Noooo, Hermione. Let's just go find Ginny. I'm sure she's so lonely without us."

"Ginny is fine and we have to go. Snape is supervising and we have to turn in the potions assignment. Don't make that face, I've already helped you with most of it!"

"Hermione, I don't want to go! Stupid Fred and George will be there. Please don't make me."

"We're already here, and it'll be over before you know it. Come on!" Hermione had never been so wrong about something in her life, but she still convinced Millie to go inside. Millie also somehow ended up sitting closer to the twins than the others because Hermione sat on Harry's left side and Millie was left to sit on Ron's right-hand side, diagonally from Fred.

Millie ignored everyone around her, studiously trying to finish her potion's assignment. She tried to ignore Ron and Harry's constant whispers but was getting pretty annoyed when they just kept on harping on about dates for the Yule Ball.

"Well, at least we won't be the only ones without dates. There's always Neville." Ron whispered to Harry, snickering. Millie leaned forward and caught Hermione's eye, who looked equally annoyed. So, Millie leaned towards Ron and Harry, getting their attention, before she whispered, "It might interest you to know, but Neville's got a date."

Ron looked quite devastated before whispering, "Blimey, now I'm really depressed."

Millie rolled her eyes and turned back to her paper, finishing the last few lines of her potion's assignment when she heard, "Well, who are you going with then?" whispered from Ron to Fred. Millie immediately felt her stomach drop, knowing that this would either go very well for her or terribly. Fred's eyes glanced over her before they settled on Angelina a few people down her, Fred threw a balled up piece of paper at Angelina, who turned to him really annoyed, before he mimed asking "Will you go the ball with me?". Millie felt herself pale as Angelina nodded yes excitedly.

"Millie-" Ron whispered, trying to distract her but Millie slammed her book shut, harder than she expected, and ignored him.

She gained most of her section of the table's attention as she stood up and stalked over to Professor Snape, who raised his brows at her in expectation. She handed him her finished assignment then turned back to the table stalking over to get her things and ignored everyone there before stopping at Hermione as she walked out. "Yeah, brilliant idea to come to study hall Hermione." Millie hissed at her, ignoring Hermione's hurt expression and the subsequent guilt she felt as she left the hall.

Millie stormed down the corridor blindly, not paying attention to where she was going as she tried to process the hurt feelings that she was experiencing. She felt a few tears fall from her eyes, and swiped at her face in annoyance to clear them. Millie knew that Fred was angry at her but she never imagined he would do something like that just to hurt her. She just kept walking, getting more and more lost in the depths of the castle until she found a secluded window seat to sit in. Climbing onto the seat, she looked out the window to reflect on the moment that she first thought of Fred in more than a best friends way.

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