two (unedited)

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My jeans were quickly forgotten as I stared at my best friend  whom I hadn't seen in over three years. No longer was he a scrawny twig of a boy--he had filled out very nicely. No longer was he the scrawny kid who had to fight tooth and nail to stay upright when he went against beefy players; now, he could easily break his high school self in half. His thick arms were pulling me in for a hug. I reveled in the warmth of his embrace before putting some distance between us.

"Leo! Holy shit! Wow! You-you grew up!"

He let out a loud laugh before replying mockingly, "I could say the same Viv. You know, since it's been so long since you deigned to see me. Or call me. Or text me."

"I-- You know why" I stammered out, not used to this forward Leo. I walked a little ways away from the others and he followed me. 

"No, I don't. I thought we were friends. Did you really think you couldn't trust me with your plans?"

"Leo, geez." I crossed my arms over my chest. "It wasn't that easy, I was a kid. I didn't mean to just leave but I--look can we talk later? This isn't a conversation for now." I looked away from his unflinching gaze. Lupe and MJ had resumed talking while we spoke. 

"Fair enough. But it's a conversation that needs to be had." Leo looks back at Camila for a second before focusing back on me. "It needs to be soon, Vivi." His old nickname for me melted my heart. He must have noticed the look on my face because he wrapped me up in an embrace again. "I did miss you Viv, I just wish you had felt you could trust me." With that, he takes off towards the center of the group. I hold back a cry, and turn, to the fountain next to me. Leo was no longer the lanky boy who tripped over himself everywhere except on the field. There was a harshness to his eyes that I had never seen before. Not for the first time, I wondered exactly how much I had missed the last three years.

I had wanted to keep in touch with everyone, but after that night, it all felt like too much. I had left and tried to stop myself from looking back. Viri had tried to talk to me about it over the years but I couldn't bring myself to do it. So much had changed that night and I didn't want to have to keep relieving the pain.

I awkwardly turn back to MJ and Lupe who are still enthralled in their conversation. Lupe looks up at me, and smiles softly, a questioning look in her eyes. I nod and head over.

"Eh, person. Es un amigo de la secundaria que no había visto en mucho tiempo" I laugh bitterly.

"Como se llama? Se me hace parecido" MJ looks back at him with narrowed eyes. 

"Leonardo Valle, es de la valle como yo." MJ looks confused before nodding.

"A lo mejor no mas tiene una de esas caras entonces porque el nombre no se me figura."

"Bueno muchachas, nos viéramos de acercar al grupo otra vez porque parece que nos están llamando" Lupe pointed at Camila and Leo who were staring at us expectantly. Leo's lips were turned up at the corner as he looked at all of us. We hurried over as three more girls joined the group.

Ten minutes later, Lupe, MJ, and I found ourselves with three new people to bond with. Camila had divided us by similar majors and we were the languages group. We had moved on to sit in the area by the fountain with some distance between us. We had clear instructions to introduce ourselves before pairing off, after which, we would introduce our partner to the group. 

Remi was currently telling us about how they wanted to teach English in high school after earning their B.A. before eventually going to grad school. They waved their hands around animatedly as they talked about the importance of respecting and encouraging young minds to pursue education. Remi had on a yellow t-shirt with history, huh? written in black letters. Their cropped hair fell over their eyes and their they-them earrings shimmered in the light. Their enthusiasm was infectious, clearly evidenced by the group, who was leaning forward and listening to them about their goals. They finished with a red tint to their cheeks before looking to the boy next to them to continue on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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