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Roughly a week passed by after (name)'s announcement of moving back to Tokyo. Kozume wished the training camp was postponed so he could spend some time with the (hair color) haired boy because the day he arrived was the day the training camp starts.

Kozume couldn't possibly asked it to be postponed for that reason right? Well, at least he got Hinata to accompany him there.


heyyyyits(name) sent a photo!
pick me up pick me up
im at the airport!

kozu.kenma took a screenshot of your photo!
kozu.kenma sent a photo!
I'm in bed

sad noises
heyyyyits(name) took a screenshot of your photo!

Are you in Tokyo right now?

yes sir
im waiting for my brother to pick me up

I'm assuming you'll live with him?

yep, and im going to his school too
you know? fururu?

No? What's a Fururu?

its fururu im telling you!
oH right kenmaaa
lets hang out tomorrow!

I can't, I have training camp
With other schools

lets hang out later!
oh my brother finally camee
see ya!

Let's, after my training camp
See you, (name)


Kozume sighed as he charged his phone, he stood up and packed stuff needed for the training camp. After doing so, he plopped down on the bed, curling himself into a ball (just like a cat). He rolled around on the bed and decided to just play a game to make him sleepy.

It worked, he fell asleep with his PSP in his hand. The moment he woke up, he jolted up and almost panicked, thinking he was late. He wasn't.

He sighed and took his things, going downstairs to see one and only Kuroo, sitting on the couch while talking to his mom. He rolled his eyes at that.

After eating the breakfast with Kuroo, they both went to school and headed to the training camp place together with other members. They got in the bus and everyone was loud as they chattered among themselves. (I just assumed they went by bus, I don't know-)

Kozume's eyes trailed down to his phone, still no answer from (name), huh? Guess he slept because of the jet lag or maybe pass out again.

"Okay, we're here!" Kuroo exclaimed as the bus stopped. They all went out and after doing so, another bus came in. People started going out and Kozume immediately recognized the captain of the team beside him.

"Kuroo! My bro!"

"Bokuto bro!"

The two captains started running towards each other dramatically and instead of hugging, they were strangling each other.

"Bokuto-san, please save your energy for a more useful activity," the comment coming out of a (tired-looking but still) pretty boy made Bokuto sulk.

Nevermind that, Kozume walked off, following the other to place his stuff and all.


i just woke up!
and im gonna go somewhere
my brother's nagging me before
but i was too tired to give a shit
so yeah!
hopefully i dont get lost

Hey, (name)
I hope you had a good sleep
I hope so too
Be careful, Tokyo is full of kidnappers

jokes on them
i aint no kid
they cant nap me

(name), I'm sorry
I was trying to joke with you

haha?? ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ
anyway, im heading out now!

Okay, see you later


Kuroo has been teasing their setter because he accidentally saw Kozume texting (name). It didn't help when Yamamoto (along with Lev) caught up on Kuroo's teasing and decided to join.

Kozume wasn't ecstatic when Fukurodani's captain, Bokuto, decided to join them. Like what the fuck? The owl didn't know shit but joined anyway.

The scowl on his face was apparent so he turned to look at Karasuno and scanned the members, looking for his friend who won't tease him, Hinata.

Before he could ask, the door opened revealing Hinata and his setter, Kageyama, along with a blonde girl. The teasing dropped and he was thankful for that.

That was until his eye caught another person. Someone familiar behind Hinata and Kageyama. He was smiling nervously as he gripped on the end if Hinata's shirt.

Kozume's golden eyes widen slightly as the person who caught his attention bowed down to Hinata and looked around the gym, then proceeded to run towards the Fukurodani's captain.

"Hey, hey, hey! (nickname), I can't believe you didn't get lost!" Bokuto said, wrapping his arms around the boy and swung him around.


Kozume abandoned the practice match he was in and walked towards the two as they chatted amongst themselves. Bokuto noticed his presence first (because Kuroo was yelling) and looked at him quizzically.

(name) finally turned around and saw him. They stared at each other for a bit before (name)'s eyes sparkled, tackling the other into a tight hug, which resulting in both of them falling down.

"Kenmaaa! Wait, you're Kenma, right?"

(name) pulled away and started rambling, just like how he always do in their calls. Kozume couldn't help but smile at that. He nodded and the other's rambling stopped.

"We finally met!"

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