: Entry 11

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Several years ago...

" Oka-san! I'd like to train throwing shuriken!! "

" Sure, Iruka. Let's wait for Otou-san to come home and train with you, ok? "

" Ehhh!! But I know that Otou-san always come home late, I wanna train now! "

" Then Oka-san will accompany you instead of your Otou-san, hmm?"

" Nope! I'll go alone to the woods near the Academy's playground."

" Iruka, it's dangerous for you to train alone. "

" Stop worrying Oka-san! Soon enough I'll be entering the Academy! I need to train hard! Ittekimasu!"

" Iruka! Be careful ok!??"

And Iruka immediately ran to his secret passage that would direct him to the woods.

Excited. He arrived to the spot where he put a mark in the trees, signifying that it was his own training ground.

" Hello my training ground! How are you-------------eh?"

Iruka was stopped by his excitement to train, he was baffled and astonished as he saw the back of  someone, already throwing shuriken to the trees.

Undeniably, Iruka was amazed by how the shuriken were thrown, the prowess are clearly expressed, the kid who's perhaps in likely the same age as him is an amazing fellow.
Few minutes from being awestruck and Iruka snapped.

The most important part is that,
There was already training here before him..!

" Eh..... ehhh... ano..! But !!"
Iruka was lost for words, he can't utter properly. Until the kid who's likely in the same height and age with him faced him.

" Oh? "
The kid only uttered then get back to throwing.

" As you can see, this is my training ground! "
Iruka arrogantly expressed, hoping to intimidate the kid in front of him that's still unfazed by his presence. The kid didnt even bother to say atleast " Hi".

Few minutes passed...

" Oi!! Im telling you!!"

" Haii haii.... I saw the signs on the trees around. "
Without caring for a second glance, the kid only gather his thrown shuriken and kunai then silently and slowly walk away.

Iruka was left. All he could look from afar is the trifling scarf caused by the winds as well as the blinding white hair of that skillful kid.


Since that day, Iruka never ceases to tell his mother about how he met an amazing kid but he never forgets to mention that even though that kid is awesome, its attitude is clearly detestable.

" Oka-san, but even so ... I still want to meet him! Perhaps he's entered the Academy already?"

" Maybe Iruka. Oh by the way, you're Otou-san is meeting an amazing shinobi and since it's not of an important purpose... would you like to tag along? Have you heard of the famous " White Fang of the leaf " ? "

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