Chapter 1

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                  "Can you please just drive me to Emma's house?"

                   Mom sighed. I had just explained my theory of wanting something interesting and thrilling in my life. She had just finished asking if I needed a personal help. "I want you home more often. You are never with the family anymore," she said with exhaustion in her eyes. 

                     You know, for someone who says they respect my privacy, she sure does want me to hang around a lot. I just hope she doesn't find out. Emma is the only one who will understand. She is the only one I told. Or, showed. Anyway, it seems like my mom is trying to figure out what is wrong with me. I will never tell her.

                    You see, my 'mom' is actually my adopted mother. She and her husband adopted me when I was five. That's when my parents died. It was bad, and my adoptive parents are kind of abusive. I don't remember much about my biological parents, except that they were the best people I knew. They were kind, caring, and sensitive about every little thing I told them, even if I was a silly five-year-old who acted like a nutcase sometimes. I loved them so much.

                     They were taking me to school like they did every day. We were on the interstate. There was a swerving car right in front of us. Suddenly it came to an abrupt stop, and we ran into it. I didn't remember much after that. There were flashes of lights, and then I blacked out. I woke up in the hospital a few months later. The first thing that I thought was that even if my parents weren't going to be okay, I had to make sure that no one found out my secret. My parents were the only ones who knew.

                  Now they are gone, and I need to keep this a secret. The only one who I could trust was Emma.

                 There was only one question left. Would I ever be normal?

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