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To the wiccans reading this, please let me know if I unintentionally flubbed something.

Thank you and enjoy!!!


Once the little river was in sight, I brought the stone bridge back up and walked to the waiting wolf

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Once the little river was in sight, I brought the stone bridge back up and walked to the waiting wolf.

"You seem a little small to be the Alpha which makes you Jared, correct?" The dark woody brown wolf nodded its head before he laid down. I was a little confused by this gesture.

"I know your pack shares a mind-link; may I create a temporary one so I can better understand?" There was a brief flash of hesitation before he nodded. I quickly closed my eyes and focused on the invisible ties before replicating the energy.

"Can you hear me?" I tried to test the link to make sure it was stable.

"This is really weird but yes. Climb on, it's quicker if I run us there. And yes, I'm Jared. It's Helena, right?" I followed his suggestion and he shot off like the hounds of hell were after us.

"Yes, but please just call me Lena. So I'm just curious, how many are in your pack?" With the wind blowing through my hair, I can see why humans love the contraptions called motorcycles.

"Well Lena, there are eight of us right now. We are hoping that none of the other kids end up having to phase though." Fairly large pack for such a small area.

"And how many of you have imprints so far?" There was a brief pause in the link like he was having to go through a mental list before answering.

"So far, it is just Sam and I. So two." At least I always carry multiple of the pendants.

"Are they attending tonight as well?" I could see a break in the trees coming up and knew that we were getting close.

"Yeah, but what's with all the questions?" Oops?

"You'll see later." With that, we broke the tree line, and I severed the link as I jumped down. The group seemed a little hesitant that I was there until Sam and Billy called me over while Jared trotted back into the woods, presumably to phase back. We never could figure out how to fix that little clothing issue.

"Helena, right on time. I would like to introduce you to our two other council members, Sue Clearwater and Quil Attera III. Sue and Quil, this is Helena. She is half-blood I told you was invited." The woman, Sue, pulled me in for a hug instead of a handshake and Quil just locked me up and down before walking away.

"Don't mind him. He isn't much of a people person." I just nodded my in understanding since I wasn't usually one either. I quickly reached into my bag and pulled out the container and snapped my fingers to return it to its normal size.

The Volturi's Mother Witch (Nanowrimo 2020) TEMP HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now