Chapter 9

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When Elena Hayley and Isabella got to the house they walked in. Jordan was sitting on the couch holding 1 year old Hope. Hayley ran over and grabbed her."My baby. I missed you so much."

"She got here about an hour ago. They brung the little stuff she had." Jordan said.

"So i'm making a list of stuff i need to buy. Tomorrow." Abby said. She was sitting on a chair with a pen and paper.

"Don't worry they literally get payed to do this" Katherine said.

"Abby my live in personal shopper and cook. Jordan live in Nanny. She watches Bella when i'm busy with work or don't want to accidentally yell at my daughter. Lily she went home she's my assistant. Sam is somewhere she is the maid. I've known her forever she was here when my parents were alive basically a second mother."

"I'm an ex Marine left after my 2nd tour. I got here when when i was 26. Cookings my passion and i'll never say no to shopping." Abby said.

"Well i am 26 i was in the army for 4 years 2 tour graduated at 17 went straight into the army. Elena always says 3 years but it was four. I can't have kids its not possible for me so i became a nanny." Jordan said.

Lily walked in with Sam."Are we telling out story." Lily asked.

"I am 42 i have been here since Elena turned 1. I knew her parents they were truly great people. 4 years in the marine my dad had been a marine so i already had training." Sam said.

"I am 29 i got here when Elena was 16 when she found out she was pregnant. I left the force because we were doing a job there were innocents involved I was in charge i was the youngest but i was calling the shots. I was trying to negociate and i told my partner he couldn't just run in there and start shooting he didn't listen he did it anyway. He shot a 17 year old girl who was innocent and her 2 year old son. They both died. Haven't been back since." Lily said.

"We are all still registered to use a gun" Jordan said.

"That is kept in the gun safe's under lock and key don't scare the girl" Lily said.

"There also hidden so that if someone comes they won't know 4 guns 4 different places." Abby said.

"5 we trained Elena how to use one and got her a permit. And a knew safe that is hidden in her room." Sam said.

"What" Katherine asked

."Yeah i know how to use a gun. They had been training me on it then when i turned 20 i got my license." Elena said.

"Mom i don't want to know that" Isabella whinned.

"Don't tell your dad i know how to use a gun or that there are some hidden here ever" Elena said.

"Yes mam i'm going to get on my Pj's" Bella ran upstairs.

"That does not leave this room" Elena said.

"Agreed" LIly said,

"Shouldn't you be home"  Elena asked.

"I was leaving then the phone in the office started to ring. It was Caroline she wants to say sorry she shouldnt have took it that far but she was scared now i can go home" Lily said.

"Bye Lily i call her back later." Elena said.

"Ok" Lily walked out leaving the rest of the girls.

"I'll show you to your room Hayley" Jordan and Hayley walked away and headed upstairs.

"Well we should go to bed." Elena said.

"Night Lena" Jordan said.

Elena nodded and Her and Katherine headed to there seperate rooms.

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