16. official

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Jungkook : I think I should call tae. Ummm.... (call tae)
Taehyung: (got the call from jungkook)
Who is calling now? Wait I'am coming.
(He came from bathroom after taking a shower )
Huh!! Jungkook???
( answer the call immediately )
Jungkook: hi hyung.what are you doing now? Are you busy? You answer the call late!
Taehyung: I just take a shower.
Jungkook: Ooh.. h- hyun......(cut off)

[ Taehyung heard a sound like jimin called jungkook in a odd voice.]
Jimin: jungkook look I made your favourite food today.oh oh oops!shit... it's too hot.
It fell into my hands..where are you jungkookah?
Help me baby.My hand burning.
Jungkook: yeah! Yeah.. am coming jimin. Hyung can you plz hold for a minute(asked tae)
Taehyung: you are with jimin now? ( jungkook say yes ) okk come quick.
[ but it takes too long and jungkook totally forget about taehyung who was waiting for him.
Soon taehyung was very angry with jungkook and hang up the phone. ]

Jimin's pov: yes, It works (smirk). Now come to me baby kook.

Taehyung: Maybe you already forget that tomorrow is my birthday ( tears falling ). When you called, I thought maybe you called for tomorrow & you want to meet me. But I think It's not. You are busy with jimin and so you forget me quickly. ( upset )

The next day Taehyung's birthday...

[ he got a lot's of wishes from his beloved armys, all members, stuffs wish him except jimin and jungkook.
At first tae thought his kookie will definitely wish him. He never forgot to wish him in these years.
Suddenly he got a message from their group chat. ]
Namjoon: guys !! It's urgent. We have some important issue with manager for our new album.
Come quick.

At the office....

[Jungkook and jimin arrived late. Taehyung and jungkook couldn't meet with each other as they all have individual conversation with manager.
After the meeting yoongi gave a surprise to tae. They bought cake for him as it was their tae tae's birthday. ( jimin and jungkook wasn't present there as usual) ]

Seokjin: Tiger this is for you. ( open it later)
[ taehyung gave jin his boxy smile. ]

Taehyung: okkkkkkk hyung☺️
Yoongi: I bought this flower for you v. I know it's your favourite.
Taehyung: I am sooo happy. Thankyou yoongi hyung.
( yoongi patted on tae's head with a smile)

[ suddenly tae saw jungkook and jimin came towards him. ]
Jimin: happy birthday taehyung. Wish you a very successful life. ( smiling awkwardly)

[ namjoon, jin & yoongi said good bye to taehyung and left.
Now jungkook came to him to wish him but tae noticed something.. ]

Jungkook: Happy birthd.. (cut off by tae)
Taehyung: no need to wish me jeon jungkook! I get my best birthday gift from you.
Tae remained silent for a while & then spoke up..

Let's breakup officially jungkook...

Jungkook:hyung what are you saying. !(shocked)
Taehyung: you want me to explain right. Ok.
You were all day with that shit today & did you think I couldn't see those purple marks on your neck and him.
You forgot that today is my birthday. I waited for you long.but you were busy with him in the bed.

Plz jungkook stop it now!
I am tired. You hurt me a lot.
You are the most precious thing of my life.I never expect this from you kookie.( sobbing )
Plz stop now.
( he started crying heavily & jungkook was tried to wipe his tears but taehyung shouted )
Taehyung: How you dare to touch me with those dirty hands! Stay away from me.
Don't try to come close to me.
I hate you jungkook. I hate yoy really.
Was our love this much weak?
You never valued my trust.
I couldn't make you happy with my love, right??
Okk from today now on you are officially free. There are no hide and seek anymore. I am breaking up with you now..

(Taehyung left )

[ Tears dropping from jungkook's eye. Jimin tried to get close to him but he throw jimin's hand and ran after to tae. ]

Jungkook: stay away from me jimin.( said to jimin, pinting him with finger)... I have to find hyung anyway. I am sorry tae for making you cry in your birthday. I am sorry. Plz forgive me.Cone to me plz.

[ but jungkook was unable to find tae]

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