Chapter 1

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3rd person's POV

"You're being ridiculous. I am the magician under the moonlight, the great Kaito Kid. Besides, no one knows who I really am. You worry too much, Akako."

Kaito told the young witch in front of him, with a grin and a wave of his hand. The witch had called the young Kuroba because she had to warn him. She had spoken to the spirits of the otherworld and they had told her to give Kaito Kid a warning.

"Kaito Kuroba, be serious, the spirits say that on Kaito Kid's next heist, something will happen."

The young magician just waved her off with a roll of his eyes. Something always happens during his heists. Besides, that warning is so vague, it could mean anything. Was she being serious? Kaito couldn't tell, then again, Akako wasn't one to make jokes.

"Akako, I have a whole police force after me, remember? All that fuss and still they have not caught Kid. If something were to happen, I think they still wouldn't be able to catch me."

"That is where you are wrong. That's the very thing that will happen at Kid's next heist. He will be captured."

"No one can catch Kaito Kid. That is one of the perks of being a Phantom Thief. As a Phantom Thief, I can disappear without a trace. Plus, I'm always cautious. I will just have to double scout my next heist before I make my move. Okay?"

"It will not change the outcome."

Kaito rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say. Well, I have to scout out my next heist. See ya."

Kaito waved goodbye to the witch and left walking home in the snow. It was midwinter and it had snowed the night before, leaving a thin white blanket. To Kaito, this was going to make things difficult to conceal his tracks. The snow will most likely leave an imprint if he were to walk through the snow. This was not unexpected; he knew there was a chance he would have to host a heist in a winter time frame. It would only make this heist more exciting, after all it was only another challenge for him to overcome.

Kaito's POV

This is going to be an interesting heist for me, or Kid, really. First, I want to go to the most well-known museum in all of Japan, next I have the whole police force after me, the weather is going to cause some difficulty for me with all this snow. I sure do have my work cut out for me. I made my heist for tomorrow. I thought I could give my audience a little present before Christmas. I like to think of it as Kid's Christmas Eve Performance. I do hope Tantei-kun likes it.


Why does he always cross my mind? I wonder about that. Maybe it's because he's my rival, that could be it. He's a detective and I have to find a way to confuse even him. He tends to solve my tricks and I admire him for that, but he takes out the fun of the magic. As a magician, I take pride in my work of being mysterious and he wants to put logic into my work. He can have his mysterious and I can have my magic. I will impress him tonight. That will be my gift to him.

I got to my house and grabbed my hat. I need to wear it so no one can completely tell it is me. I need to scout out the area because I know they want to set up traps for me. Especially Nakamori. He has been chasing Kid since before me. First my father, then Jii who was Kid once or twice, and now he's after me. I'm best friends with his daughter, and he suspected that I was Kid for a while, and I think he still believes that, but has no proof. Aoko and I are close, but I don't want her to know that I am Kid. It would hurt her for knowing that I am making her dad look like a fool and that I lied to her to help me create an alibi to have proof that I am not Kid.

As I take my leave, I look behind me to see a stray black and white cat. It's an odd cat. The black covered his left side with a white patch of fur on his left eye and completely white on his right side with a patch of black fur on his right eye. The right eye was blue and the left eye was green. The poor thing was shivering and very skinny. I can't keep a cat. They eat finny things. I HATE finny things. The cat will be fine. I have to focus on tomorrow's heist.

I arrived at the museum in no time. Like fools, they still have it opened to the public. I see three or four policemen at the entrance and I can suspect that there are more inside. Nakamori is probably going to be inside there, too. Good thing he will be to focus on setting traps to focus on me. That gives me the advantage.

Conan/Shinichi's POV

It's nearly Christmas and I am still trapped as a kid. Haibara, who is in the same situation as me, is working on making a cure. She says that she is close to making one that could work. She informed me that it would take time because it had taken her years to make the poison. Since she would have to work from memory with no notes and not even a lab, she would need to make a poison, it would be proven to be a challenge for her. I trust that she will succeed. She wants to help me because she knows what it is like to fall victim to the poison. A poison she created and was used against her. I would most likely be with Ran tomorrow night if he didn't already have plans. Ran is going over to Sonoko's to have dinner with her friend's family. Sonoko doesn't like me, or rather Shinichi Kudo. If she knew that Conan and Shinichi were the same person, I doubt she would talk the way she does about Shinichi. I didn't want to go there anyway. I don't want my luck to ruin Ran's night. I swear I am cursed but that is not true because curses don't exist. I just have bad luck with dead bodies dropping wherever I go. Shinichi or Conan. I told Ran that I would be fine and spend the night with Professor Agasa. Only problem with that lie that I told Ran is Agasa isn't going to be at his house that night. Ran didn't know that, and she doesn't need to know. I could go to Kid's Heist tomorrow and humor myself, but I was unsure.


I looked to the female voice that had entered the room. It was Ai Haibara.

"Uh, yes? Is everything okay?"

She looked at me. She was silent for a moment before she spoke, almost as if she was deciding if what she wanted to tell me was good or not.

"I am not sure. It could be good or it could be bad."

Can't she just say what is on her mind? She makes it seem like a riddle without much to go by. I just wanted to know if she was okay or not, if everything was alright or if something was wrong. I thought for a moment. Oh, please don't let it be another homicide case.

"I think I can make a cure. I can give it to you as soon as tomorrow. However, I have no knowledge if it will work, or if it will be permanent."

I thought about it. I could take the experimental drug that has a possibility of bringing Shinichi Kudo back, even for a little bit, or it might not work at all. Well, I have nothing better to do, and only Haibara is here. If something bad were to happen, she would be there. I can agree with this.

"Alright. I'll take it. Just tell me when you have it done."

She gives me a nod before heading back to Agasa's house. She uses his lab and tends to stay over there. She keeps the professor company. They get along well. I think. I only know how they act around each other when I'm there. If I do change back, I will miss Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta. They were, and I will still consider them, my friends. They made my days as Conan enjoyable. Even if they are just kids, they are fun to be around. They will miss the Junior Detective league's leader. Detective Mouri is going to be so happy to get rid of me. I doubt that he would miss me. In fact, I bet he would be happy to get rid of the "brat".

I just recalled that Mouri is going to be going to help with Kid's Heist. I better tag along if I want to go. Sure it is tomorrow, but I still need to know when he is leaving to get there. He won't like if I tag along, but he will have to deal with me. I am not going to miss this heist. I will be going, either as Conan or Shinichi. Whichever one I was going to be, I was going to be there to catch Kid. 

Author's Note: Woohoo, chapter one is out. I am really excited for this story and I hope you all enjoy it. Stay safe everyone. See ya in the next chapter. 


Posted: 11/2/2020

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