Chapter 1: This Is My Life

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"WHACK" I Felt the belt hit me harder then ever making me jump from my bed

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"WHACK" I Felt the belt hit me harder then ever making me jump from my bed. I felt a hand grab me by the arm to hold me in place. I then realized my father was delivering this ass whooping. I tried to get out of his grasp but as I was getting loose I felt the belt come across my head making my ears ring. My father let go of my arm letting me drop to the floor "I TOLD YOU STOP FUCKING UP IN SCHOOL" I then felt the belt again "YOU AINT LEARNED YA LESSON YET BOY" "HUH". I tried to listen to what he was saying to me but my ears were still ringing. I heard a loud boom guessing he slammed my door shut. Locking it see my dad flipped my lock so instead of locking anyone out I was being locked in. I stood up to sit on my bed but I was in so much pain it was unbearable. I decided I'd lay on my bed and did so. I thought of what I could of did today in school for my dad to whoop me this bad. My dad always whooped me it could be for the littlest things he didn't care as long as he was making me feel pain well that's what I thought. I wondered if he would put my sister through this pain if she was still here. My sister left when my dad became verbally abusive toward us she was sensitive and anybody could hurt her feelings if they were to say something she didn't like she promised she would come back to get me when she left and I haven't seen her since. That was 2 years ago though its forced me to grow up so I can survive because my father couldn't give two fucks about me unless it was benefiting him. I got caught up in my thoughts and decided I was hungry I got up to leave my room then remembered my dad locked me in my room I went to my closet and grabbed 2 bags of chips and limped back over to my bed and laid down eating my chips soon dozing off.

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