Chapter 2: Friday

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"HASSAN HASSAN WAKE UP YOU GOT SCHOOL" I heard my dad yell I woke up grabbed my rag and toothbrush proceeding to the bathroom I started the shower to let the water heat up went to the sink to brush my teeth and wash my face I soon hopped in the shower letting the hot water hit me I grabbed the soap rubbed it on my rag and washed my body after 20 minutes in the shower I grabbed my towel, wrapped it around my waist, and walked to my room. I put my Boxers and a tank top on I then put deodorant on and went to my dresser. I grabbed a white shirt and a blue pair of jeans I put my clothes on and grabbed my dirty white air forces I put them on grabbed my bag grabbed a poptart from the cabinet and left out the door. As I was walking to school I thought I never introduced myself. My Name Is Hassan Maxwell I'm 13 I just turned 13 August 27th I keep to myself I only have a couple of friends and by a couple I really mean a couple 2 I'm- "Wassup Boi" My friend Montrey said I guess he was making his way to school too "Wassup Bro" I say back "Chillin You don't look to good bro" I didn't think much about it because I was still in pain from having my ass beat "Yea im good bro". We walk into the building we went our separate ways and I headed to my 1-2 period class.

I walked out of the building meeting Nori outside. Nori is my other friend shes like my bsf but I wont let her in on anything. I feel like I would be embarrassed if I told her anything. "Hassan you walking like something is in your ass" she said laughing a little "oh yea how about this" I said sticking my middle finger up at her. Nori grabbed my finger and attempted to bend it making me snatch my hand back "ayy" I looked up to see Montrey walking over to me "what you doing today Hassan" he asked looking Nori up and down she rolled her eyes at him I replied "I'm probably gonna go home my dad be trippin" He looked at me like Nigga What "Bro its Friday just come my crib play the game and chill" I shrugged and went along with it "Just one hour man" I hugged Nori and told her bye as me and Montrey started our walk to his house.

We walked up to the porch Montrey opened the door and we walked into the house. The smell of liquor hit my nose Montrey continued to walk farther into the house leading us into the living where we seen his brother and his friends playing the game. Montrey snapped "Get off my game bruh" his brother replied "Calm down Lil nigga and put some money on the table you might win something". I sat on the sofa and watched them play I was soon handed a controller as I was picking my team Montrey's brother slapped the money on the coffee table and looked at me "You gotta put sumn in lil homie". I felt my pockets pulling 3 dollars out and sat it on the table it wasnt compared to the 2 20 dollar bills on the table Montrey looked at the 3 dollars putting his head in his hands as Montrey's brother and friends busted out into laughter. I didn't see what was funny but Montrey's brother patted me on the back and said "we'll let you slide this time".

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