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I was with zach and jack going to our usual spot so we can preform and when we got there we saw lots of people waiting for us! I saw a woman clap and so did other people and cheer because we were here

We prepared the stuff and when we finished I sat down at the drum set jack had a electric guitar like zach 

"Hello how are you guys?" I said to the people on the mic then they all cheered "so we are going to be preforming a original we made called fallin' and yeah we hope you enjoy"i said with a smile

I start to play the drums for the intro and I start to sing after the drums

"Caught in the moment...not even thinking twice,everything frozen nothing but you and,i can't stop my heart from beating why do I love thsi feeling?make me a promise tell me you'll stay with me..if I'm being honest don't know where this leads but that's the only question baby don't keep me guessing....ohhh you ate my I feel so reckless...oh your making me making me making me give in..."

I stopped and then zach started to sing

"Oh baby I can feel the rush of adrenaline I'm not scared to jump if you want to let's just fall in love for the hell of it maybe just keep fallin I can feel the rush of adrenaline I'm not scared to jump cause I want you let's just fall in love for the hell of it maybe we'll just keep fallin" 
Zach sang

After a few minutes we finally finished the song and people were cheering

"It was amazing!!" Lily said,she is 5 and she always comes with her mom or dad to see our performance she was like a little sister to me


I was walking around with my best friend jonah and I saw a crowde they were cheering

"Hey jonah what do you think the crowd is for?"I aksed

"I don't know but I hear music and singing...very good singing" he said

"Let's check!" I said he nodded and we started walking towards the music and singing we see a 3 boys singing and people were giving them 1 and 5 dollar bills "wow they sing good I wonder what their names are" I said to my self

Someone tugged on my shirt,I look down and see a little girl around 4-5

"Yes?" I asked "I heard that you were wondering what their names are"she said  I bent down at her level "yeah do you know their names?" I asked and jonah look at us "yeah" she said "that one right there is zach,the other one next to Zach is Jack and the one doing the drums is Daniel...he is like a brother to me!" She said while pointing at each one "also they all perform because of what is going on in their life" I looked at her and she told me "they perform because they don't have enough money for their house bills and they are struggling with that" she said with a sad face

"Oh wow..." I said "ok thank you" I said and she just nodded

I stand up and looked up at jonah with a  confused look

"What was that all about?" He said "the little girl told me their names and why they are performing" I said and told him their names and why they ate performing

The song finished,I walked back to my car and came back with 5,000 dollars in a black bag and I saw  they were still taking a break I walked over to the boys and they looked at me

"Yes?" Zach asked...that's what little girl said his name was," I came here to give you guys this..." I took the little bag out and and gave it him,he took it and looked at me confused then the other boys came next him

"open it" I said zach opened it and he was shocked Daniel...I think....looked inside and so did jack they looked at each other shocked

"Why would you give us thsi?" Jack asked "I got to admit you guys have very good voices so why not?" I said "we can't have's to much money"Zach said trying to give me the bag back "no keep it" I pushed his hands back "sir it's to mu-"  I cut him off "Just take it" I said he looked shooked Daniel started to tear up and they all hugged crying

"Hey no need to cry" I said with a soft voice they looked at me and whipped their tears

"It's just...our lives are a mess and this money is able to help all of us wit-" daniel was saying but I cut him off "Daniel...I know you don't need to tell me" I said "h-how do you know my name?" He asked "a little girl told me" right when I said that I saw the same little girl run to Daniel with her arms open he picked her up and hugged her

"Oh hey mr!" She said to me and giggled "hello there!!" I said,I took my wallet out and gave her 50 dollars

"Here buy yourself anything!"I say to her she grabs it and gives it to a man she looks back at me and smiles "thank you mr!!"  "Your welcome!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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