Chapter 11

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A battlefield, a plan, werewolves. That's all I could think of.  A plain field. For the last couple of weeks, we have been planning this. This can not go wrong. Life's depended on it. Innocent lives. Melanie's life. I closed my eyes. Nate held my hand. Never letting it go the whole way. We stood in the hallway of the packhouse. Everyone was busy doing something to keep their minds of it. The big elephant in the room. The Battle. Will we win or lose?

''Sky, you have to stay here. I only trust you to take care of the woman and children.'' That was the plan I stayed behind. They are going to capture Bastian, bring him here and I was the one to torture him and kill him. It was more gruesome than I had in mind but more pleasing for the ears. I could think but I had other plans. But Nate didn't know yet. I hugged him tightly.

Nate kissed my lips and my forehead. ''We will be back soon.'' He said. His hands leaving my waist. He walked away into the doorway outside Collin next to him.

''Be careful Nate, don't trust him. Come home save.'' I smiled sadly at him. He was strong but I saw what Bastian could do with regular wolves of alphas. He walked away going into the forest with the rest of the warriors shifting into their wolves. When this is over I can have closure and can start a new chapter in my life with Nate by my side as his Luna and protector of my pack, my home. Jennifer came beside me. Grabbing my hand.

''Let's go.'' She said. I followed her.

''I will be in my room if there is anything, you can call me.'' I told her. We discussed this. Jennifer said that she would take care of anybody and I could help the guys. My plan that I have been working on for a long time. It's finally the hour to introduce the plan. Jennifer was worried about the guys so she complied with ease not telling them anything. I went to my room staring into the distance. I could feel myself getting worried. It was time I told myself. I jumped outside of the window leaving a note to Jennifer in case anything happened. I had to do this. I called them and jumped into one of Nate's cars speeding down the road.

Nates POV
It was a bloodbath. There were more rogues then I thought we would make it barely. I was afraid for my pack, my mate. I kept fighting. Seeing Bastian from a distance I charged towards him. I shifted into my human form. ''Bastian'' I yelled at him. He looked my way.

''Alpha Nate long time no see. You did not like my dungeon, you left so quickly? And I heard you found your mate? Good for you alpha. Skylar, I heard I know her very well. She once was one of us.''

She what? I don't understand. She was not one of them? She would have told me. My mind went all over the place. This was exactly what he wanted a distraction. He charged for me kicking me in the stomach. Sky said not to trust him and I won't for her. I trust her.

''You call yourself an alpha rogue. I have seen and felt worse than this.'' That angered him. His eyes were dark now. He kicked me again. But I dodged it kicking him instate. I threw a few punches in the process. Leaving him on the ground. Talking about my mate who does he think he is? I was angry. I looked around my pack. We had small numbers now. The rogues are killing us one by one. We did not stand a chance. They expected this. Collin was fighting three rogues and I saw him winning but not before another rogue bit his leg. Leaving him limping. Bastian charged towards me. Tackling me to the ground. Saying nothing he punched me. He was strong, very strong. I punched him back. We were out of breath after fighting for 15 minutes of punching and kicking each other. I was laying on the ground I was tired. I had Skylar on my mind. I had to do something for her. Two other wolves joined him in the meantime. Smirks plastered on their faces. So, this was it. Me lying on the ground thinking of what will become of my pack and my mate.

I heard noises in the distance. Motorbikes could that be it? But there was no road nearby? The rogues all went up with their noses sniffing the air. Nothing. The noises stopped. But then came again. I looked towards the forest line where the noises came from. Silhouettes of people and wolves appeared. Hunter and rogues?! Side by side?

We are not going to make it. It doesn't matter how strong you are. The end will come. I heard gunshots. I closed my eyes waiting for it to be over. Thinking about Sky. But nothing happened? I heard screams around me. I opened my eyes and there she was Skylar standing in front of me? What the hell. She looked over her shoulder to me. Smiling at me.

''How dare you hurt him!'' She screamed at Bastian. Did she come here with hunters and rogues? I looked around hunters and rogues killing every single one of them. Helping Collin, Gary, Dan, and Daniel too.

''I see you brought your little club with you, pathetic.'' He spits on the ground in front of Sky.
A guy came to stand next to Skylar he had a gun in his hand pointed towards Bastian.

''You really thought we would not know where you are you, filthy rogue. Sorry, Gillian'' Sky said. A guy came to stand next to Skylar on the other side.

''None taken. You filthy rogue you killed my mate and children and now it's your turn!'' He yelled.

''Your reign of terror ends here and know. This is for Melanie. Let's go guys.'' Skylar said and on her command Gillian and the other guys attacked. Skylar turned towards me. Cupping my face.

''Are you hurt badly can you stand?'' She asked hurriedly.
''You came for me? What is this? Who are these people?'' I looked up at her. Happy that she is here helping me. I was also a little angry she was not at the packhouse looking after the woman and children. 

''These are my friends. People who were wronged by Bastian. Nate, I learned that revenge is not what I want anymore. I want you. I love you Nate.'' I felt warmth. She hugged me tightly. I hugged back not wanting to let go ever. Those words were the words I wanted to hear. She loved me. I smiled from ear to ear and she smiled at me. I could feel her happiness and that made me happy 

''You are my past, present, and future and I will protect you as long as I can with my life. For the pack, for you, I will give my life.'' She said with pride in her voice. She was my mate, my ocean. The breath I take every time, what I would do for her had no boundaries. I kissed her hard needing her.  I needed her! I kissed her as if my life depended on it. I saw everything in front of me. Marking, mating, rebuilding the pack, having kids, and growing old together.

''Get a room.'' I heard Collin yell from behind me. Everyone was looking at us. Hunters, rogues, my pack members. Sky helped me up. Carefully so that she didn't hurt me. she had her arms around my waist and I around hers.

''Thank you for your help, my friends. I am grateful. You showed courage, honor, and closure of a chapter that will be in the past.'' Everyone cheered at the words Skylar spoke. She spoke as a true Luna. When we go back we finally can do the Luna ceremony how I have been waiting for that day. That she will be officially my luna. The crowd went wild and I could not be prouder. I was grinning from ear to ear again. Looking down on her. She was the most beautiful creature that there was. I hugged her closer to me. Closing the distance between us. I will mark her when we get home. She loved me after all. I looked at my mate with proud filled eyes.

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