Not alone anymore?

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Duncan's Pov

I've been working at this castle for years and yeah, it's been some pretty great years but, I get really lonely here. I mean really, really lonely, my life is more of a drunken mess than ever before. I don't know what to do with myself anymore but drink and try come up with new experiments to fill the time. But it's even getting harder to find new things to craft as I have done somuch. My only option I feel is to find someone, I don't mean in a romantic way, just someone to talk to. I used to have a lot of friends like Sips,Sjin,Lewis,Simon, Hannah etc but I spent so much time in my castle I isolated myself  from them to the point I wouldn't know what to say to them anymore. I just need a friend.

I hear the thunder outside getting louder and louder, so I go to grab some booze when I hear an alienated sound coming from outside. I slowly walk towards the castle entrance and hear the noise grow louder and louder with each step. When I reach the entrance though I hear the noise stop followed by some coughing.

I put on my diamond armour for protection in case this is a planned attack by Rhy...Rhyth...ian.

I open the gates  cautiously to find a small lady curled up in a ball, lying on the dirt in the pouring rain, crying her eyes out. I walk closer to inspect and she flinches at my touch before looking up at me with her big, brown eyes. I just nod at her and scoop her up in my arms like a puppy.

I take her inside and give her some clean,dry clothes and lay down some food on the table for her. She looks ridiculous wearing one of my big lab coats and my tight trousers which prove to be baggy on her.

She carefully inspects the food before gobbling it looks as if she hasn't eaten anything in quite a while so I go to the kitchen and get some more food for her and let her wolf it all down again.

When she is done I lead her to my bedroom and give her extra blankets to keep her warm before leaving to go sleep in my lab. As I walk away though, I turn back to see her looking at me and showing me what looks like a hint of a smile. I smile to myself as I close the door and walk away.

Kim's Pov

I am so grateful right now, I would never have survived on my own out there. Even if he only lets me stay the night it gives me a chance to regenerate my health bars and he does seem like a nice guy. I have to admit though I was pretty upset when he left the room to go god knows where. I wish he had stayed with me and let me talk to him and say thank you. Looks like I'll have to get up early tomorrow and surprise him...

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