Morning Time

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Kim's Pov

I wake up and check the alarm beside me, 6am perfect. I tiptoe to the kitchen area or at least try to navigate through all the corridors. When I finally find it though I begin to rack through the cupboards for food.I take all that seems to be there and begin to make a Malaysian themed breakfast. I leave the food on the table and write a short note saying: This is a little Thank You for letting me stay with you - Kim x enjoy.

I leave the note beside the food and put on my own clothes leaving the stuff he lent me. I check the time one more time as I leave the castle to see that it is 6:30am. This gives me plenty of time to find somewhere to spend tonight. I don't know where I'm going overall, I guess I just need an adventure. But I am starting to think that maybe I should work on building my own place or something like that.

Duncan's Pov

I wake up at 6:24am, unusually early, with my faced pressed against a cold, metal bench in my lab. I take a minute before I realize that I took that girl in last night and that I should probably go and wake her up.

When I reach her room though, she is no where to be found...The only other place I can think that I took her to was the Kitchen. I begin to run there.

When I get there I see a beautiful breakfast and a...note?

I read the note and begin to panic, she was my only chance at getting a friend.

'I have to get her' is all I can think as I run towards the castle entrance. When I reach it I swing open the gates and run into the wilderness after her.

Kim's Pov

I've only just left but I can't stop thinking of his golden hair...he's good looking, there's no denying it, but I don't know him, he could be a total creep for all I know.

But I still want to see him again and thank him in person.

I turn around and at the gates of the castle I see the golden-haired boy run out and scream "KIM!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?". My heart sinks.

What am I thinking?!? I don't know this man and he doesn't know me.

Duncan's Pov

After shouting and seeing no signs of her I begin to give up, just as I spot her big, brown eyes in the distance. I don't even think, I just run, faster than ever before.

I catch up to her and she stares up at me looking worried, but I see a hint of something else in her eyes too, relief, maybe?

Kim's Pov

He came after me. Why?Is he that desperate for a girl? I calmly say to him "I'm sorry, but I have to go, Thank you for letting me stay with you last night though." I want to stay but at the same time I know I shouldn't, so I stay strong.

He pauses for a moment before saying "Please, stay a little longer. I know you're struggling out there, I can help you train and get prepared before someone or something evil finds you.Would you stay for me Kim?"

I think about it again.I have to be strong and say no. But instead I bring up the fact I don't know his name which he replies to by saying "Duncan, Duncan Jones at your service ma'am" while nodding and laughing.

I begin to laugh with him and through the power of laughter  he manages to change my mind and makes me want to stay with him. But I warn him before hand "I am not looking for a boyfriend by the way so don't do anything funny" He looks at me like I'm insane for a moment before I realise he doesn't care about me in that sense...

Duncan's Pov

We stroll back up to my castle slaying chickens as we walk since Kim decided that on behalf of her staying I would have to start collecting more food for her so that she could cook for us.

I'm not actually too sure why I am so eager to have her stay with me...I guess that's just what happens when you lose so many friends.

I decide to spend the rest of the day giving her a tour of the castle. When we reached the main lab though she freaked out and kept calling me a mad scientist and made sure she was always at least four blocks away from any equipment or machinery. It was kind of cute to watch though, I mean cute on my part that..That I was being so protective of her...yeah...that's what I meant, obviously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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