Part 1

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I woke up to find my mom screaming "levanté! Levanté!" WAKE UP WAKE UP
I slowly got up and made my bed got dressed in my red shirt and riped jeans. I Made my way down stairs "Que pasa porque me levantan a esta hora"  what's wrong, why aré you waking me up so earlyI said picking up a glass to pour some atole (its hot chocolate in spanish) "look" my S/N (sisters name) said. My eyes
Were in shock. My. Hogwarts. Letter. "No Manches!"  What the heck I screamed I picked my letter up and danced around with my letter in hand. "Vamos a le callejón Diagon! Orita!" Lets go to Diagon alley! Now! I said chuging my atole and ran up to my room. I looked in the mirror to see my H/L  hair length  H/C hair color  and beautiful E/C eye color  and pretty smile. I could not belive that my Hogwarts letter had come and i was going to Hogwarts. " Ya nos vamos" Lets go my mother screamed as i ran down the stairs. We got in are car and took of flying.

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