King Stripper

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I get up repeating the same morning everyday. Shower, brush hair, eat eggs, and play guitar. I needed something interesting and crazy. James and Kirk were what they told me practicing their new album.

I decided to call Kirk.


"Hey Lars I'm a bi-"

"Hey Kirk I was wondering if you wanted to stop practicing and hang" I noticed pop music playing in the background

"I can't at the moment" he took a deep breath "I'm just busy"

"Are you sure? We can go to that uhh female and hmm male stripper club" I said chuckling at the end

"Uh no hm-Lars I heard there were at bunch of ugly women and men their not worth the money" That man never talked so fast in his life I knew something was up.

"Uhh okay Kirk one more question" I heard talking in the background as Kirk yelled ill be their in a minute.

"Why the hell are you guys playing pop?"


He hung up

Well I had nothing else better too do and I was posses at Kirk for hanging me up.

Here I come strip club. I threw on a tux and put on my suit as I exited my house calling a cab.

The drive was long. I kept trying to reach Kirk and when I couldn't neither could James. It really pissed me off so I hop I could blow off some steam at this strip club.

"Were here" said the Taxi driver I said her and exited.

The strip club had flashing light in front of it and with lights of girls on one side and vise versa. As I walked to the door it said

'Two special guest here tonight hope you enjoy!"

I wondered who could it be.

As I walked in their wasn't much people but I when I looked up at the striped I couldn't believe what I saw.

Lars x KirkWhere stories live. Discover now