Day 1: Rescue

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      Ben cringed at the sound of the nearing sirens, eyes drifting away from what had once been a small store and instead towards Zak, who'd long been lost to the crowd. If Zak didn't already have a headache, he no doubt would now.

      Taking hold of a pair of oddly malleable cuffs and sliding down the wreckage, the brunette quickly, if wobbly, made his way towards the still-dazed adversary. It was some sort of bipedal amphibian with a sluggish appearance and large, bulbous eyes. He made sure to favor one of his legs as he transversed the short distance. The cuffs set to work as soon as he pressed them against the alien's wrists, resizing and stretching to encircle snuggly against the oozy flesh before a line of blue light bound them tightly together.

      As Ben tapped the tip of his foot against the ground experimentally (with regrettable results), Rook began to relay the convict his...her...zer...their rights. Several Plumbers approached from the crowd, although whether they'd been there all along or had just arrived was beyond him.

       Yep. He'd sprained his ankle.

       He rolled his shoulders with similar care. There was a slight soreness from the crash, and perhaps a touch of bruising, but he was otherwise fine.

       From within his pocket, his phone vibrated. A quick glance told him that it was from Zak. He looked to the Plumbers, to Rook, and to the crowd. Did they have enough if a handle on things for him to leave? Surely, they could attend matters enough without him directly standing next to the convict. Still, though, he waited until the large arrestee was properly detained before returning to the message.

Honeydew: U alright

       Ben tilted his head to the side in a half-sure nod.

Changeling: Bit sore

Honeydew: Babe, ur limping

       The crowd was beginning to disperse now, so used to displays of destruction to the point of near indifference. Some tried to search for any items they'd left behind while initially fleeing, but Ben knew the likelihood of them finding anything substantial to be rather unlikely.

Changeling: And a bit of bruising

Honeydew: No morning jog 4 u.

Changeling: Lets c u make me.

       He leaned his side against a chunk of wall that was slanted, he would have perched atop it if not for his limited mobility.

Honeydew: Wanna ditch?

Changeling: Cant gotta bring the thug in

Honeydew: y u no ditch

Changeling: Boring paperwork stuff

Honeydew: But Rook though

      As Ben began to type a response, arms coiled around his midsection. With a start, he was tossed up into the air and landed half a moment later, held bridal style by an all-too pleased Saturday. His yelp was cut off as a kiss was pressed against his forehead, the tip of his nose, until finally his lips.

      "Heya," Zak greeted with a dazzling smile.

      Ben forced back the upwards curl of his lips, keeping instead a far more tight expression. "I'm pretty sure I said 'no' to leaving just yet." He stated simply.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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